Hi there,
I wrote my GMAT focus exam yersterday. I made only 4 mistakes on the quant section yet only received a 59th percentile score for quant.
I know missing easy questions can really drag you down (not sure if I have). Even if I did miss some easy ones, 59th percentile seams really odd with only 4 mistakes. Also finished the entire section, so no penalties for leaving out questions.
Anyone with similar experiences?
Hi valebecuewbc,
Yes, there are
other test takers who have reported similar issues.
The unfortunate reality is that GMAT quant is very competitive. That is, there are many test takers who are very good at quant (and therefore end up getting very high scores). This puts a lot of pressure on quant percentiles. The pressure on exam makers to make their exams shorter doesn't help either, as a shorter section, with fewer questions, is likely to be more unforgiving.
Try not to worry about individual sections, because it's the total score that matters (however, some schools do publish minimum recommended section percentiles).
All the best.