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Haas Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: On Campus with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 21, 2023
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Dec 12, 2023 04:12
"1.What are you expecting from the MBA experience and Why Haas? 2.Example of diversity and inclusion 3.Tell us about a time when you convinced / persuaded people in your team to adopt your position. How did it work? 4.Tell us about a time when being humble has been beneficial to you in the workplace. 5.Anything else?"
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Nov 28, 2023
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4.3 years
Dec 8, 2023 08:12
"My Business Community Assessment was with an Indian second-year student (Emil Mathew Binny). It was relatively short and lasted for almost 25 minutes. He asked the following questions in order - 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. Why MBA? 3. Short-term and long-term goals? 4. Why Rice? 5. If you receive admits from multiple B-schools for an MBA program, what factors will you consider to determine the right school for you? 6. Rice gives huge importance to DEI and has the tagline "You belong here." How do you wish to promote diversity and inclusion in this community, or how have you experienced DEI personally and professionally? 7. How will you contribute to the Rice community? 8. Any questions for me?"
Simon Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Waitlisted with Interview
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Dec 8, 2023
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4.3 years
Dec 8, 2023 08:12
"I just had my Rochester Simon's AdCom interview. It was a blind interview and the interviewer (Matt McCormick) had not seen my application components and only had a hard copy of my Resume in his hand. He was a representative of AdCom itself and also a current Professional MBA student at Simon. The entire interview was very conversational and lasted about 30 minutes. He had a fixed set of questions that he asked in order - 1. Walk me through your Resume, talking about your professional experiences and your undergraduate degree. What drives you to go for an MBA at this point in your career? 2. What intrigues your interest in Simon's MBA program as compared to other MBA programs? 3. What are your short-term goals post-MBA in 2 years? What is your backup plan or option? 4. Simon has a diverse cohort. Have you ever travelled to the US or any other country outside your home country, whether personally for leisure or professionally and experienced a cultural shift or change? Then he asked a couple of questions about a few characteristic pillars that Simon AdCom looks for in prospective MBA students - 5. Have you ever faced a conflict in a team environment at your workplace? How did you respond to it? 6. What does leadership mean to you? What are your leadership traits? 7. Tell me about a time you took a risk. How did it work out eventually? 8. Anything you'd like the AdCom to know about you which is not a part of your Resume and your Application components? 9. Any questions for him about Simon."
Smith Maryland Full-time 2 Year MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 23, 2023
Dec 6, 2023 09:12
"1. Tell me about yourself 2. Why MBA ? Why Now ? Why Smith? 3. Tell me about the most satisfying part of your current job 4. Tell me the least satisfying part of your current job 5. Post MBA Goals . Any Alternate paths if your goals do not materialise. 6. Which other Business Schools did you apply to ? 7. Questions"
NUS Singapore Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 24, 2023
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5.6 years
Dec 2, 2023 06:12
"I received my interview invite on 16 Nov week and had the interview on 24 Nov. It lasted about 20 minutes as scheduled. The interviewers were friendly and the interview was conversational. Posting my interview debrief below: 1. Introduce yourself 2. Why NUS MBA? 3. What are some aspects of the program you are looking forward to? 4. How will you prepare yourself for the competitive consulting roles, or what is your plan B? 5. How many cases are you willing to prepare, for consulting? 6. Why not explore joining back the Big4 as they too have a consulting wing, why MBB? (I currently work in the tax team of a Big4) 7. Briefly describe your current role and the kind of team you a built (I'd mentioned earlier and in my application that I'm a manager handling a team of 5-6 people) 8. Have you applied elsewhere?"
Marshall (USC) Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 30, 2023
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3.4 years
Nov 30, 2023 12:11
"Just concluded my interview Conducted by Laura Hartman Interview time : 30 min It was a blind interview 1. Walk me through your professional journey 2. Any recent project 3. Why MBA 4. Career goals 5. Why USC Marshall 6. Strength that came naturally to you 7. Any weakness that you are overcoming 8. Any recent book you have read 9. Questions for me"
NUS Singapore Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 20, 2023
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11.3 years
Nov 23, 2023 03:11
"Hi I got interviewed recently. There was an adcom rep and an alumni. The following questions were discussed: 1. Tell us about yourself. 2. The biggest challenge you faced as a leader. (I have decent leadership experience in 2 of the last companies I worked for). 3. What are the biggest challenges in my industry. 4. Why NUS now and what do I bring to the school. 5. We also had general discussions on consumption trends in my industry. 6. What is the challenge I expect to face if I am part of the NUS MBA cohort as a student/candidate. This came from the fact that I have more experience and will be coming back to school after more than a decade. 7. Which companies I admire the most in my industry. The tonality was quite conversational and both the interviewers were very polite and friendly. They asked if I had questions for them and I asked about what precise value diverse profiles bring to the cohort (non-engineer/banker/tech, etc.). The interview lasted around 25 mins."
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 22, 2023
Nov 23, 2023 01:11
"Just concluded my interview Taken by member of admissions and career staff Length:35 min 1. TMA your career trajectory 2. Why MBA 3. Why now 4. Why Kenan-Flagler 5. ST and LT goals ( he asked me to answer them in any order) 6. A challenge you faced during work and how did you overcome that challenge 7. TMAT you received a constructive feedback 8. What according to you differentiates a leader from a manager 9. Any questions for me ( I asked two) Overall very chill and conversational interview"
Sloan MIT Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 20, 2023
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3 years
Nov 20, 2023 01:11
"Interviewer was very nice. It went like this: - Has anything changed since you applied? - Tell me about a time you had to work with someone who disagreed with you in a team? - Tell me about a time you were part of a team that was underperforming and what you did to change - that? - Why MBA & why Sloan? - Is there anything you wish I had asked? Or is there anything else you would like to share with me? - 5 minutes for questions"
Stern Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 8, 2023
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4.5 years
Nov 20, 2023 03:11
"I applied on Sep. 17, got an interview call on Oct. 25, and gave my interview on Nov. 8. 1. Starting with a six-pick, ice-breaking question 2. Why MBA? Stern? 3. About myself? 4. What is the biggest failure? 5. What are your professional achievements? 6. Tell me only one strength in professional life. 7. How will you add value to the MBA Stern class? 8. long-term and short-term goals 9. Alternative career choice? 10. Which company would you like to work for, if not Plan B? 11. Finally, ask me any questions."
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Denied with Interview
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 18, 2023
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4.3 years
Nov 17, 2023 01:11
"I just had my UNC KF's AdCom interview. The interviewer (Jean Elia) was a very senior representative of AdCom itself. She's worked at Kenan for 25 years (with 10 years in the Dean's Office and for some duration as the Chief Education Officer as well) & was the initiator of the Online MBA program at Kenan back in the day. She mentioned that she retired 3-years ago and now participates in these Admissions Interviews in a way to give back to the school and community in whatever way possible. The entire conversation was very formal throughout the interview questions and then, in the end, it switched to completely informal. She had a set of questions that she asked in order - 1. Why an MBA at this point in your career? What are your short-term goals? 2. Why Kenan Flagler is the right place for you to get an MBA? 3. What makes you unique or different than your peers? 4. How would your manager describe you? 5. What was a recent difficult situation you were in? How did you manage to go past it? 6. What do you think is the difference between a Leader and a Manager? 7. What motivates you? 8. What does leadership mean to you and what's your leadership style? 9. What two or three things beyond your application would you want the Admissions Committee to remember about you? 10. Any questions for her? She was very warm and considerate. She took her time to listen to and understand each word of my answer and prompted me to repeat wherever required (because of intermediate network issues as Kenan has its own Interview portal instead of Zoom or Google Meet). At the end, she mentioned that she loved talking to me and that it was a great conversation!"
NUS Singapore Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 6, 2023
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4.8 years
Viet Nam
Nov 17, 2023 12:11
"I remember being interview by the head of the experiential learning and the adcom people. It's like a conversation - Tell me about yourself - Why NUS MBA? - What do you want to learn from NUS? (I said leadership) - Tell me about the leader in your own company you admire (I mention my boss and Covid-19) - Oh, you shared about Covid-19. Tell me how you have helped your company overcome obstacles during such time After that, the second interviewer started asking me what I want to achieve from the NUS MBA with digital transformation, as I have achieved a lot. I said I want to learn how to sell technology solutions. I want to note that this is just a brief summary of the interview. The interviewers were very nice and it was actually this experience that made me choose NUS"
Johnson (Cornell) Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Nov 16, 2023
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8 years
Nov 16, 2023 10:11
"My Interview was done on 16th Nov by a second year student. She was not even remotely connected to my domain so it was very mechanical on her part, though I would say she tried her best. It started with small talk about weather, cricket world cup, etc 1. TMAY 2. Why MBA 3. Why Johnson 4. What kind of a leader you want to be? 5. What you want to learn outside the classroom? 6. Anything i didnt ask 7. questions for her I would say I gave it pretty well, hoping for the best!"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 15, 2023
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Nov 15, 2023 08:11
"I had a good interview I think, the interviewer was super friendly, I don’t think she was 3rd party. These were the questions asked: 1. Why mba? Why now? 2. 3 things ad com should know about you 3. TMAT you had to give a bad news to someone (I took about 30 secs to gather my thoughts here) 4. Which values are the most important to you? 5. Short term goals 6. TMAT you got a constructive feedback She seemed pretty involved in my answers, no follow up questions but had some comments after every response like ‘yes I understand how it must have been for you etc.’ Still had around 5 mins for questions, I asked if she has had any weird/interesting interview experiences, laughed about them, spoke about life chapel hill, places she’s been to etc. very casual and informal"
McCombs Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Denied with Interview
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Nov 16, 2023
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4.3 years
Nov 15, 2023 12:11
"Hi, I had my Optional Peer Interview with a second-year McCombs student. It was relatively much easier than one with an AdCom member. No specific questions. Just Tell me About Yourself, post-MBA goals, and why McCombs. After that, it was an open question-answer discussion. I asked 3-4 questions and she provided whatever information she had about those areas. I felt this was much more natural, however, that was expected considering it was a Peer Interview without any direct Behavioural questions, and more of an opportunity for me to ask questions w.r.t. the program and student experiences."
Kelley Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Nov 15, 2023
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5 years
Nov 14, 2023 01:11
"My interview was with a second-year student and lasted around 35-40 minutes. The discussion covered the following topics: 1. Tell me about yourself 2. Post-MBA goals 3. How would Kelley help you achieve your post-MBA goals? 4. (I mentioned my interest in marketing in one of my answers) When and how did I realize my passion for marketing? 5. Biggest Achievement 6. Leadership style. 7. Reason for switching companies. I was asked a lot of follow-up questions for each answer, but the interview felt very comfortable and conversational. Also, we talked about our shared interests (long-term goal) for a while. Then, I asked a few questions."
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Nov 14, 2023
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3.7 years
Nov 14, 2023 10:11
"Had a nice interview experience with a third party. All standard questions Why UNC Kenan Flagler? TMAT leadership, underperforming employee - how you dealt with it, most significant personal achievement, what can you bring to the cohort, ideal attributes of a team Asked him about the North Carolina community and the weather (Also discussed about the traffic), what should I do during the MBA given my career goals, had a fun ending by asking what he thought about my name - "Harsh". Fingers crossed for 11th of December!"
Goizueta Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 14, 2023
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5.3 years
Nov 14, 2023 10:11
"Introduce yourself Why MBA and Why Now Tell me about the Education sector in Africa and the work your firm does Why the Emory MBA Shared about something on my resume, which led to a question on my leadership style Any questions for me The interview was with an Adcom and it lasted 50 minutes."
Kelley Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Waitlisted with Interview
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Nov 14, 2023
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4.3 years
Nov 14, 2023 09:11
"Hi, I had my Interview with the MBA Admissions Counsellor at Kelley. She is a second-year student currently, and the entire discussion felt very easy and conversational in nature. She made sure I was comfortable and started by introducing herself. These were the questions in order: 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. Her next question was about one of my extracurricular experiences from my Resume (which I also mentioned in my Introduction). 3. Why MBA and Why Kelley? 4. What would be an ideal workplace environment for you? 5. What are your immediate short-term goals post-MBA? 6. What was your greatest professional accomplishment, and what was your role in achieving the same? 7. Any Questions for her? The interview lasted approximately 30 minutes. She mentioned that a few of the answers were very unique as compared to lots of interviews that she has had so far. She mentioned that the application reviewers will be different and she will simply provide her inputs based on the interview to the AdCom panel who will soon share the updates/decision. Overall, I have a good feeling about my interview."
McCombs Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Oct 24, 2023
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Nov 14, 2023 09:11
"It was super quick though just 20 mins and rest of the time was given for me to ask questions ~ if any for about 10 mins The questions were again like any general mba interview, nothing that I found different or weird. I think it’s important to have the story in our mind clear and research about the school. We should be good! Hope that helps"
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