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Columbia Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Nov 6, 2023
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Nov 10, 2023 11:11
"1. Why MBA, Why CBS, Why now 2. A time in conflict 3. Career goal 4. Plan B 5. Clubs you wanna join 6. Why co-found XX(on resume) 7. Question for me"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 6, 2023
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Nov 10, 2023 11:11
"My experience was good but suprising. The Interviewer was very direct: 1. Why UNC Kenan 2. Your leadership Style. 3. How do you react to marginalization? 4. What do you do when a team member have different perspective."
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 7, 2023
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Nov 10, 2023 11:11
"Hi guys Just completed my interview with Joshua Issermoyer an Adcom Member It was really conversational, at some point we spoke about him for quite a while He used to be in the Airforce so it was quite intriguing They don't seem to ask the regular Questions we are used to 1. How do you motivate Team members to buy into an idea you have about a project. 2. How do you interact with Team Members, Those higher in the hierarchy than you and clients 3. Tell me one leadership experience that sticks out to you 4. What is one of your greatest achievements and why? 5. Why MBA and Why now? 6. How would you give a feedback 7. Any questions for me The interview was really conversational and fun"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 6, 2023
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Nov 10, 2023 11:11
"Hi guys Just completed my interview with Joshua Issermoyer an Airforce Officer. It was really conversational 1. why Fulltime MBA? 2. A leadership experience, something you would like to talk about from your work experience 3. Values that matter to you 4. What is one of your greatest professional achievements and why? 5. What is your greatest personal achievement 6. What is your weakness? 7. How have you worked in diverse teams? 8. Any questions for me"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 9, 2023
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Nov 10, 2023 11:11
"Hello Everyone Just now done with my interview. (taken by Adcom member) A perfect 30 min interview :) 1. Walk me through your resume also include your professional and personal achievements. 2. Why MBA? why now? Why UNC? Short and long term goal (he asked me to answer everything in a go) 3. Why I went ahead with my decision to purse my career in edtech after graduation? And some followup questions. 4. Conflict with team members? How you resolved it! 5. Critical feedback from Management! How you went ahead with the given feedback? 6. About Inclusion! Explain with example. 7. Any questions for me !"
Stern NYU Tech MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 8, 2023
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Nov 10, 2023 10:11
"Usual questions - why MBA, why Stern, what's your recruitment strategy rest were all specific questions for my profile it was with Mr Matthew, Admissions Director. he was insanely chill and friendly"
Stern Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 9, 2023
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Nov 10, 2023 10:11
"Interview was with Adcom Ben Austin. Very relaxed and conversational. He viewed my entire application and asked questions based on my application. 1) Question about my pick 6. More of an ice breaker. 2) Proudest accomplishment and why am I so proud of it. 3) What is one leadership trait/strength that came naturally to you and one that you grew overtime to become a strength. 4) Why is MBA the right next move for you. Why do you think you are a good fit for this roll? Why do you want to pursue investment banking. 5) Where does Stern fit into your goals and how can Stern help you achieve them. 6) Talk about your plan for recruiting when at Stern. 7) How do you plan to contribute to the Stern community 8) Questions I had about Stern or the program."
Columbia Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Nov 9, 2023
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3 years
Nov 9, 2023 04:11
"Had my interview with a very recent alum. He introduced himself and then the process. Very informal and conversational. Following questions were asked: 1. tell me about yourself 2. walk me through your resume 3. why mba, why now, why cbs 4. how would you contribute to cbs (on campus and then post MBA) 5. which opportunities at cbs do you intend to take part of 6. how do you plan to get into your desired post mba role if your target organization types dont normally come to campus (I shared Plan B voluntarily) 7. What is your role in a team (I assumed this meant how i work in a team and how that would look like at cbs) 8. An extra curricular not on CV"
Kelley Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Nov 8, 2023
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8 years
Nov 8, 2023 10:11
"Hi My Interview was taken by a second year student and It was very conversational in nature. She made sure I was comfortable and started by introducing herself. Questions were normal : 1. TMAY 2. Why MBA 3. Why Kelley 4. 3 things that Adcom should remember about you 5. What is Leadership ? TMAT You had to solve a conflict in your team 6. What are you strengths and weaknesses 7. Any Questions for her? It lasted 30 minutes and I had a good feeling about my interview"
McDonough Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 9, 2023
Nov 8, 2023 10:11
"My interview was with an admissions committee member. The interview took place for around 30 mins. 1) Walk me through your resume 2) Why MBA? 3) TMAT, you faced a challenging situation with a person at the workplace, and how did you handle it? 4) TMAT, you challenged the status quo? 5) How are you planning to improve your quantitative skills? 6) Why Mcdonough? 7) what will be your deciding factors if you are admitted elsewhere? Location? Ranking? or anything different from these? 8) Short-term goals and Plan B 9) any questions for me?"
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 7, 2023
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United States
Nov 7, 2023 02:11
"EWMBA Application - Video Interview 1. Why MBA / why Haas 2. What is your favorite restaurant and why"
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Nov 3, 2023
Nov 7, 2023 03:11
""My community assessment was with a second-year student. It lasted for about 30 minutes, and it went quite well." 1. Tell me about yourself 2. Why MBA? 3. Short and long-term goals? 4. Why rice? 5. How will you choose between two schools? Is scholarship a factor you consider? 6. How important is DEI to you? Experience with DEI personally and professionally? 7. How will you contribute to the Rice community? 8. Any questions for me?"
Haas Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Nov 3, 2023
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4.6 years
Nov 4, 2023 08:11
"Walk me through your resume Why Haas TMAT you experienced conflict on your team. How did you go about it, and what did you learn from it Nose dives into resume clarifications Deep stories about personal life DEI question: Just as asked in the essay prompt TMAT you were in a position to affect change at work. What was it, and what did you learn from it? In three words, how would your neighbor, teammates, and family describe you What does success mean to you Then, circle back into MBA motivation. Overall, it was a lot of stories. I was interviewed by an alum of 18 years. Interview lasted 1 hour 35mins."
Columbia J-Term MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Nov 2, 2023
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6 years
United States
Nov 2, 2023 01:11
"I was asked 3 questions: -Why MBA? -Why CBS? -Behavioral on teamwork and a follow-up on how I would take my experience/example to the CBS classroom and clubs. The interviewer was extremely friendly and conversational. I was surprised I was asked so few questions, but we expounded a lot on each question. They did an excellent job of sharing their own CBS experience and relating to the questions they asked me. This first part took about 45 minutes. The second part was me asking questions. I asked 3 questions, and we talked for another 25 minutes. The overall interview was definitely longer than I had expected (about 1 hour 10 minutes), but I really enjoyed the experience. By self assessment, I am likely a borderline candidate in my application bucket, but I am excited to see how this turns out."
Fisher Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 1, 2023
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Nov 2, 2023 06:11
"1. Tell me about Yourself 2. Why Fisher 3. What are your Short term career goals and how will they help in achieving your long term goals? 4. Tell me about a time when you have worked in a team setting? what are your learnings? 5. Share a time when you received constructive feedback? 6. How will you get involved and participate at Fisher? 7. Tell us about a time when there was a difference of opinion within the team? how did you resolve it? what did you learn? 8. What challenges do you envisage during your MBA? 9. What preparation have you done regarding your post MBA goal?"
Sloan MIT Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 2, 2023
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Nov 2, 2023 04:11
"Hello! I had my interview with MIT Sloan adcom this morning. My interviewer was quite sweet and friendly - 26 mins of her asking me questions then last 4 mins I asked her 2 questions 1. Has anything changed since you applied - then had a followup on one of the things I mentioned here 2. Walk me through your data viz - follow up on how did the team take the recommendation, were there any hiccups 3. Whats your biggest professional accomplishment 4. TMAT where you convince people to solve a problem your way. 5. How to build relationships? 6. Why do you think MBA is still the right next step for you since your last application? (I was a reapplicant) 7. Why MBA now 8. Why MIT Sloan 9. Can you paint a picture of where you right now and where you want to be (I think I didn't show the "why MBA now" that well perhaps that's why this as a followup question) 10. Anything else you want us to know that I haven't asked you already - I told her how I would contribute to MIT Sloan 11. Any questions - asked one question regarding the sloan curriculum and one regarding sloan generally For few answers, she also had a followup to really dig deeper on the impact Ended with her saying that this is the last piece of application, and we'll hear back on 12th Dec Personal reflection - 1. Be prepared for the interview with 4-5 stories you want to share (Cant emphasize this enough because it is really a Q/A format so its very quick one after another) 2. Prepare for why MBA, why now, why Sloan 3. I was confused by the link given on the email as it opens in a webinar format - wasn't sure if it was going to be zoom or not (would affect my blurring background capabilities lol) - but yes it was zoom in case it helps someone else out there 4. I mentioned how I spoke with alumni, students, info sessions etc in different parts of my answers 5. I feel I didn't mention enough on teamwork as I should have"
Booth Full Time MBA
Status: Off Campus with Alumni
Interviewed on: Oct 25, 2023
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Nov 1, 2023 08:11
"Hey guys, heres my interview debrief (done with alum in a hub city, in-person) - 1hr duration 1- Quick intro 2- Career aspirations 3- Why MBA, Why Booth, Why now 4- How do you ask for help? How do you help others? 5- Tell me about a time when you had a conflict that you needed to overcome 6- What got you interested in this field? 7- What do you want to get out of booth + give back 8- Asking more details on my resume 9- What kind of impact do you want to leave behind 10- What have you grown most in over the course of your professional career? 11- If you don’t get in what will you be doing next year? 12- Anything else you want to discuss"
McCombs Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Oct 31, 2023
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Oct 31, 2023 11:10
"1. Tell me about yourself 2. Why MBA? 3.Why McCombs? 4. What is the most challenging problem you have ever faced ? 5.Follow-up questions regarding my Post- MBA goals 6.Any questions for the interviewer?"
Darden Full Time MBA
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Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Oct 31, 2023
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3 years
Oct 31, 2023 08:10
"Interview with a senior director of admissions. She introduced the process >> that she has no prior knowledge of my app, it's a blind interview and that I'm expected to share about my life in the first 10-15 minutes and that it'll be very conversational. Started off with TMAY. Asked post-MBA goal, why Darden. Asked behavioural questions on conflict resolution and how I work with a diverse community (people that have a diff background than my own). Talked about C'ville. Talked about personal interests and hobbies. And asked at the end if there's anything we didn't talk about. I used this opportunity to talk about my community impact cause that didn't naturally come up during the conversation. She was very happy I brought it up and then I asked the interviewer a question at the end."
ISB Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: On Campus with Alumni
Interviewed on: Oct 28, 2023
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2.3 years
Oct 31, 2023 02:10
"3 Alums: 1 senior (before 2010) and other 2 recent (after 2019) Questions were mainly on work experience, none of the interview panel were related to my past experience or future goals so the interview felt more like a learning experience for both sides. The senior alum seemed to be able to understand my answers the best. They were very concerned with why ISB and why not an online course or on-job training. Interview was at ISB campus"
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