Can I ask someone to take a look at it as I don't understand the solutions provided (or rather I don't understand how they came up with the solutions)? Thanks.
If each term in the sum a1+a2+a3+.....+an is either 7 or 77 and the sum equals 350, which of the following could be equal to n? A. 38
B. 39
C. 40
D. 41
E. 42
Number of approaches are possible.
For example: as units digit of 350 is zero then # of terms must be multiple of 10. Only answer choice which is multiple of 10 is C (40).
To illustrate consider adding:
So, several 7's and several 77's, note that the # of rows equals to the # of terms. Now, to get 0 for the units digit of the sum the # of rows (# of terms) must be multiple of 10. Only answer choice which is multiple of 10 is C (40).
Answer: C.
\(7x+77y=350\), where \(x\) is # of 7's and \(y\) is # of 77's, so # of terms \(n\) equals to \(x+y\);
\(7(x+11y)=350\) --> \(x+11y=50\) --> now, if \(x=39\) and \(y=1\) then \(n=x+y=40\) and we have this number in answer choices.
Answer: C.
Hope it helps.
Thanks for all your help, as usual. I answered the question using the second approach but would love to understand the first approach better. I must be missing something simple, but could you further explain why the number off terms must be a multiple of 10 to get a "0" in the units digit? That statement is tripping me up.