Project SC Butler: Sentence Correction (SC2)
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The "blown film" technique—which inflates huge bubbles in high-temperature cylindrical masses of molten plastic in order to expand—has the capability to produce plastic sheets or tubes that are as large as the entire building in which the process occurs.
A) The "blown film" technique—which inflates huge bubbles in high-temperature cylindrical masses of molten plastic in order to expand—has the capability to produce plastic sheets or tubes that are as large as the entire building
B) By inflating a huge bubble in a cylindrical mass of molten plastic at high temperatures, thus expanding the plastic, the "blown film" technique has the ability to produce a plastic sheet or tubes the same size as the building
C) In order to expand large masses of molten plastic, the "blown film" technique, in which a huge bubble is inflated in a high-temperature cylindrical mass of the plastic [VERB?]; this technique can produce plastic sheets or tubes equal to the entire building's size
D) The "blown film" technique—in which a huge bubble is inflated in a cylindrical mass of molten plastic at a high temperature, causing the plastic to expand—can produce a plastic sheet or tube as large as the entire building
E) Involving huge bubbles that are blown into cylindrical masses of molten plastic at high temperatures—thereby expanding the plastic—the "blown film" technique produces a [color=#ff0000plastic sheet or tube ]that is capable of[/color] having an entire building's size
This sentence gives two different types of information about the "blown film" manufacturing technique:
(1) how it works (a bubble is blown in a mass of molten plastic, causing the plastic to expand), and
(2) what it can produce (exceptionally large plastic sheets or tubes).
The sentence should be phrased in a way that makes these relationships clear, with modifiers used appropriately.
(A) The modifier
which inflates… applies to the preceding subject,
the “blown film” technique, thus illogically suggesting that the technique itself, rather than some machine or its operators, can inflate bubbles. The modifier
in order to expand applies to the preceding clause (which inflates huge bubbles…), suggesting the nonsensical notion that the blown-film technique itself is trying to expand.
has the capability to produce is not as concise as the phrase
can produce.
(B) The initial modifier
By inflating… applies to the following subject,
the “blown film” technique, , thus illogically suggesting that the technique itself, rather than some machine or its operators, can inflate bubbles.
has the ability to produce is not as concise as
can produce.
(C) The portion of this choice before the semicolon is a sentence fragment; it consists only of a noun phrase (the "blown film" technique), preceded and followed by modifiers.
Furthermore, as a result of the rearrangement of words at the end of this choice, the modifier
in which the process occurs now illogically modifies
the building's size rather than
the building.
The modifier
in which… is properly used to describe
the blown-film technique.
The passive
is inflated is correctly used to describe the inflation of the bubble, as the actual mechanism that inflates the bubble is not mentioned (nor is it important) in the sentence.
The modifier
causing the plastic to expand correctly describes an immediate consequence of the action in the preceding clause.
Overall, the core sentence states logically that
The blown-film technique… can produce a plastic sheet or tube with the characteristics described.
(E) The modifier
Involving huge bubbles…, while grammatically valid, is unacceptably vague: it states only that the blown-film technique
involves such bubbles (in some capacity). In other words, this sentence allows for the possibility that the blown-film technique uses bubbles produced arbitrarily in some other, unnamed, process, rather than that the generation of the bubbles is a fundamental aspect of the blown-film technique.
The modifier
that is capable of… modifies a
plastic sheet or tube; while this modification is also grammatically acceptable, it doesn't make sense, as it implies that the plastic sheet or tube might change sizes (up to some maximal capability) once it has been produced.
An entire building should be
the entire building, as the sentence is meant to convey the idea that the plastic sheet or tube can have the size of the building in which it is produced;
an entire building in which the process occurs instead refers, illogically, to an arbitrarily chosen building equipped for the blown-film process.
Finally, as a result of the rearrangement of words at the end of this choice, the modifier
in which the process occurs now illogically modifies
building's size rather than
The correct answer is (D).