April 05, 2016

Joined: Feb 10, 2016

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Admitted to two top embas

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It had been more than a decade since I had been through the rigors of drafting school applications.
Nonetheless, based on career progression, I felt I was a strong applicant and thus only applied to one of the top 10 schools initially.

One observation is hardly basis for meaningful inference, but after receiving a negative response, I gathered the application likely had been too unfocused.

Pleasantly impressed by Aringo's website, I thus signed up for the hourly services for help in structuring the many essays required by the two others schools that most interested me -both also clustered around top 10s-.

From the inception, I was pleasantly impressed with the structure that Shimri, the consultant I worked with, helped convey to my applications.

After devoting lots of my limited free-time to the process, I was honored to receive a positive response from both programs, and look forward to start my studies.

For completeness, I have to say I am fortunate to count as close friends a handful of graduates from Booth and HBS, whose helpful advice I also could rely, though Aringo was the last go-to point. Highly recommended.

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