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Re: In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of [#permalink]
1. Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the passage as a whole?

(A) It provides evidence to support the main idea introduced earlier in the passage.
Yes, it talks about how Antikythera device is accurate over a wide range of conditions.

(B) It presents a hypothesis that is rejected in the final paragraph of the passage.
NO, it doesn't

(C) It offers an example of a theory proposed in the first paragraph of the passage.
It is not giving an example, it rather explaining it's accuracy

(D) It suggests a solution to a problem described earlier in the passage.
The problem was - The timing and nature of its existence remains one of science’s great puzzles to this day. How and by whom was it created? and it is not answering this, 3rd para does this

(E) It draws a parallel between two phenomena discussed in the passage.

2. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that

(A) the Ancient Greeks were more sophisticated than most people believe
No, the para doesn't say that or anything as such

(B) Babylonian arithmetical methods predate Greek trigonometry
Notice the lines ....was based not on Greek trigonometry but on Babylonian arithmetical methods borrowed by the Greek trigonometry was nonexistent in 205 BC.
from these lines it can be inferred that Babylonian arithmetical methods predate Greek trigonometry

(C) the greatest thinker in Ancient Greece was Archimedes
We can't really infer that, there may be somebody else

(D) Information obtainable by modern-day telescopes was also available in Ancient Greece
modern-day telescopes were discussed in para2

(E) the Antikythera Mechanism was more likely to accurately predict a solar eclipse than modern day technology
No, it is not stated in the paragraph

3. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the Antikythera Mechanism is true?

(A) It was created by Archimedes.
It is plausible, but not exact

(B) It is 1,000 years old.
Can't say

(C) It was created in the 1900s.
Notice the word discovered here in the very beginning lines - In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of Greece discovered , so we can't really say when was it created.

(D) It was the world’s first digital computer.
Regarded as the world’s first analog computer - this line from para1 says that it's not the digital computer, but analog

(E) It could be 38 degrees inaccurate.
It is explicitly stated in the last few lines of para 2

4. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the orbit of the Earth around the Sun?

(A) It renders predicting solar eclipses impossible without a telescope.
No, Antikythera is used for their prediction

(B) It is explainable using Greek trigonometry.

(C) It is, unlike the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
The lines from the para 2 - Moon’s revolution around the Earth is not the same as the plane of the Earth’s revolution around the Sun, proves that option C is correct

(D) It is, like the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
For the above mentioned point, this option can't be true

(E) It is in the same plane as the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.
For the point mentioned in option C this can't be true

5. The passage suggests which of the following about models that predict solar eclipses?

(A) Until the last century, it was impossible to create models that would accurately predict solar eclipses.

(B) When it was discovered in 1901, the Antikythera Mechanism was the only model available to predict solar eclipses.

(C) The Antikythera Mechanism is not the only model that attempts to predict solar eclipses.

(D) The calendar months and the zodiac signs are both important for tracking the irregular motions of the Moon.
It is explicitly mentioned in the para 1, in the mechanism of the Antikythera

(E) The unpredictability of such models makes them suitable only as curiosities or antiques.

so, IMO, the answers are
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Re: In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of [#permalink]
Question 1. Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the passage as a whole?

(A) It provides evidence to support the main idea introduced earlier in the passage.
-- The main idea introduced in PG1 was that "The timing and nature of the [Antikythera Mechanism's] existence remains one of science’s great puzzles to this day". PG2 discusses present-day scientific understanding of the complexities of predicting solar eclipses (including high-tech equipment), providing further evidence and justification of how truly incredible this ancient achievement had been.

(B) It presents a hypothesis that is rejected in the final paragraph of the passage.
-- There is no hypothesis presented in PG2 that is then rejected in PG3. PG3 does refute some "previously thought" assumptions, such as the dating of the device and whether it was based on Greek trig, but none of this was discussed in PG2.

(C) It offers an example of a theory proposed in the first paragraph of the passage.
-- PG2 does provide examples of "complexities of the orbital revolutions that cause solar eclipses to occur" that today's scientists understand more about, but this was introduced in PG2, not PG1.

(D) It suggests a solution to a problem described earlier in the passage.
-- The main problem raised in PG1 that comes to mind is that "The timing and nature of [Antikythera Mechanism's] existence remains one of science’s great puzzles to this day. " However, PG2 doesn't try to answer these questions. It focuses more on building upon the argument for why this feat is considered such a great puzzle.

(E) It draws a parallel between two phenomena discussed in the passage.
-- Unclear which two phenomena the answer choice is referring to... the elliptical parallel between the moon orbiting the Earth vs the Earth orbiting around the Sun? Since I wouldn't consider this a key purpose of PG2, I prefer answer choice A.

Question 2. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that

(A) the Ancient Greeks were more sophisticated than most people believe
-- I felt like the ingenuity of the Ancient Greeks was more a focal topic in PG1, vs PG3 which instead led me to question whether this device was actually born of Babylonian ingenuity

(B) Babylonian arithmetical methods predate Greek trigonometry
-- "Recent analysis dating the device to 205 BC, earlier than previously thought, suggests that the eclipse prediction mechanism was based not on Greek trigonometry but on Babylonian arithmetical methods ... as Greek trigonometry was nonexistent in 205 BC." This logic flow assumes Babylonian arithmetic existed before Greek trig.

(C) the greatest thinker in Ancient Greece was Archimedes
-- Perhaps Archimedes was considered the greatest thinker in his particular life span (which could be why Cicero and the author might credit him with the invention), but no information suggests he was the greatest thinker in the entire span of "Ancient Greece".

(D) Information obtainable by modern-day telescopes was also available in Ancient Greece
-- On the contrary, the author states that "While in modern times the use of satellites, telescopes ... enhanced our capacity for such calculations, when the Antikythera Mechanism was created, the sole source of information available to scientists was observation of the night sky", suggesting that the info obtainable from modern telescopes was NOT available to Ancient Greeks.

(E) the Antikythera Mechanism was more likely to accurately predict a solar eclipse than modern day technology
-- "While in modern times the use of satellites, telescopes, and other high-tech equipment has greatly enhanced our capacity for such calculations... It is thus not surprising that, under certain circumstances, the device is inaccurate by up to 38 degrees". This passage suggests the lack of benefits from our modern tech caused the device to have some inaccuracies (seems to imply that the AM is less accurate than modern capabilities).

Question 3. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the Antikythera Mechanism is true?

(A) It was created by Archimedes.
-- This suggestion is raised in PG3 as a plausible possibility, not a fact.

(B) It is 1,000 years old.
-- PG1 states that the AM "predated similar technology by 1,000 years" meaning it's at LEAST 1000 years old. The 205 BC dating in PG3 confirms it is much older.

(C) It was created in the 1900s.
-- PG3 "Recent analysis dating the device to 205 BC", possibly even pre-dating Ancient Greece. (However, PG1 states it was discovered by divers in 1901)

(D) It was the world’s first digital computer.
-- One word off: PG1 "Regarded as the world’s first analog computer"

(E) It could be 38 degrees inaccurate.
-- end of PG2: "under certain circumstances, the device is inaccurate by up to 38 degrees"

Question 4. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the orbit of the Earth around the Sun?

(A) It renders predicting solar eclipses impossible without a telescope.
-- PG2 specifically says that the AM is remarkably accurate at predicting solar eclipses (even though the scientists in that time didn't have the benefit of a telescope)

(B) It is explainable using Greek trigonometry.
-- Not connected: the orbit of the Earth around the Sun is discussed in PG2, but Greek trig wasn't discussed until PG3 in relation to the dating of the device (after having moved on from the topic of orbital complexities).

(C) It is, unlike the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
-- Opposite: PG1 "irregular motions of the Moon caused by its elliptical orbit around the Earth"

(D) It is, like the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
-- PG1 "irregular motions of the Moon caused by its elliptical orbit around the Earth"

(E) It is in the same plane as the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.
-- Opposite: PG2 "the plane of the Moon’s revolution around the Earth is not the same as the plane of the Earth’s revolution around the Sun"

Question 5. The passage suggests which of the following about models that predict solar eclipses?

(A) Until the last century, it was impossible to create models that would accurately predict solar eclipses.
-- PG1 states the AM only "predated similar technology by 1,000 years" and since PG3 dated the device in 205 BC, we can infer other models predicting solar eclipses existed much earlier than a century ago

(B) When it was discovered in 1901, the Antikythera Mechanism was the only model available to predict solar eclipses.
-- Seems unlikely based on the statement in PG1 that the AM "predated similar technology by 1,000 years", and also since PG2 talked alot about how much more modern-day science and tech have allowed us to understand about the "complexities of the orbital revolutions that cause solar eclipses to occur"

(C) The Antikythera Mechanism is not the only model that attempts to predict solar eclipses.
-- PG1 states that the AM "predated similar technology by 1,000 years", and PG2 also talked alot about how much more modern-day science and tech have allowed us to understand about the "complexities of the orbital revolutions that cause solar eclipses to occur" (including a patronizing observation that unsurprisingly the AM can be "inaccurate by up to 38 degrees")

(D) The calendar months and the zodiac signs are both important for tracking the irregular motions of the Moon.
-- Calendar months and zodiac signs were both mentioned in PG1 as part of the AM composition, but it wasn't clearly specified whether the purpose was for tracking Moon motions (maybe one or both was only there for decoration?)

(E) The unpredictability of such models makes them suitable only as curiosities or antiques.
-- Although PG2 mentions that "under certain circumstances, the device is inaccurate by up to 38 degrees", it also states that "the device is remarkably accurate over a wide range of conditions", which lends the possibility that maybe the circumstances can be managed to minimize the inaccuracy, allowing AMs to be used for their original function.
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Re: In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of [#permalink]
1. E
2. B
3. E
4. D
5. C

Paragraph (topics):
P1: About Antikythera Mechanism
P2: Today's scientists
P3: recent study

1. Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the passage as a whole?

(A) It provides evidence to support the main idea introduced earlier in the passage.
(B) It presents a hypothesis that is rejected in the final paragraph of the passage.
(C) It offers an example of a theory proposed in the first paragraph of the passage.
(D) It suggests a solution to a problem described earlier in the passage.
(E) It draws a parallel between two phenomena discussed in the passage.
Since the second paragraph explains about the today's scientists, it is drawing parallel to the Antikythera Mechanism. Hence correct answer should be E.

2. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that

(A) the Ancient Greeks were more sophisticated than most people believe
(B) Babylonian arithmetical methods predate Greek trigonometry
(C) the greatest thinker in Ancient Greece was Archimedes
(D) Information obtainable by modern-day telescopes was also available in Ancient Greece
(E) the Antikythera Mechanism was more likely to accurately predict a solar eclipse than modern day technology
Correct is B. It is evident from these lines in P3- "Recent analysis dating the device to 205 BC, earlier than previously thought, suggests that the eclipse prediction mechanism was based not on Greek trigonometry but on Babylonian arithmetical methods borrowed by the Greeks"

3. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the Antikythera Mechanism is true?

(A) It was created by Archimedes.
(B) It is 1,000 years old.
(C) It was created in the 1900s.
(D) It was the world’s first digital computer.
(E) It could be 38 degrees inaccurate.
Answer should be E. As mentioned in P2 last sentence: "It is thus not surprising that, under certain circumstances, the device is inaccurate by up to 38 degrees; what is astonishing is that the device is remarkably accurate over a wide range of conditions."

4. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the orbit of the Earth around the Sun?

(A) It renders predicting solar eclipses impossible without a telescope.
(B) It is explainable using Greek trigonometry.
(C) It is, unlike the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
(D) It is, like the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
(E) It is in the same plane as the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.
Answer IMO D. Moon's orbit around the Earth is elliptical like the orbit of Earth around the Sun. Following lines refer the same- "for instance, the Earth’s orbit around the Sun is also elliptical such that, depending on the time of year, the Earth is gradually traveling nearer to or farther from the Sun."

5. The passage suggests which of the following about models that predict solar eclipses?

(A) Until the last century, it was impossible to create models that would accurately predict solar eclipses.
(B) When it was discovered in 1901, the Antikythera Mechanism was the only model available to predict solar eclipses.
(C) The Antikythera Mechanism is not the only model that attempts to predict solar eclipses.
(D) The calendar months and the zodiac signs are both important for tracking the irregular motions of the Moon.
(E) The unpredictability of such models makes them suitable only as curiosities or antiques.
Answer IMO C. Since there are scientists who are attempting to predict solar trends today, as referred in the passage, as did ancient people- this answer looks apt. As no other answer seems to fit in well.
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Re: In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of [#permalink]
1. Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the passage as a whole?

The timing and nature of its existence remains one of science’s great puzzles to this day. How and by whom was it created?
The second paragraph is introduced by this question. So it's role is to answer to the question. But I am not 100% sure. Any idea @Sajjad1994 how to tackle this? Is there any trick here to find the good answer?

(A) It provides evidence to support the main idea introduced earlier in the passage.
The main idea, I think, is how the Egyptians manage to create this pre-computer system. So the 2nd paragraph does not look for evidence. It describes how scientists do calculate.
(B) It presents a hypothesis that is rejected in the final paragraph of the passage.
There is no hypothesis here.
(C) It offers an example of a theory proposed in the first paragraph of the passage.
Not it's not an example.
(D) It suggests a solution to a problem described earlier in the passage.
The question in the first paragraph can be called a "problem". And this is a solution. How do they manage to create this system? We have an answer in the 2nd paragraph.
(E) It draws a parallel between two phenomena discussed in the passage.
2 phenomena? No way.


2. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that
We understood that "the eclipse prediction mechanism was based not on Greek trigonometry but on Babylonian arithmetical methods borrowed by the Greeks" is the key here.

(A) the Ancient Greeks were more sophisticated than most people believe
Maybe. Maybe not.
(B) Babylonian arithmetical methods predate Greek trigonometry
Yes. We can suppose it. If you borrow something it has to exist before.
(C) the greatest thinker in Ancient Greece was Archimedes
It's not inferred in the text
(D) Information obtainable by modern-day telescopes was also available in Ancient Greece
No way
(E) the Antikythera Mechanism was more likely to accurately predict a solar eclipse than modern day technology
It's not that accurate.


3. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the Antikythera Mechanism is true?

(A) It was created by Archimedes.
This conjecture makes plausible Cicero’s claim that Archimedes... Plausible is not sure.
(B) It is 1,000 years old.
(C) It was created in the 1900s.
No. No. No.
(D) It was the world’s first digital computer.
(E) It could be 38 degrees inaccurate.
Sometimes yes... It could be.


4. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the orbit of the Earth around the Sun?

"the Earth’s orbit around the Sun is also elliptical"+"since the plane of the Moon’s revolution around the Earth is not the same as the plane of the Earth’s revolution around the Sun"
Here we have an answer. The also means that there are at least 2 elliptical orbits...

(A) It renders predicting solar eclipses impossible without a telescope.
We can not conclude this for the orbit of the Earth.
(B) It is explainable using Greek trigonometry.
Not only. We need more tools.
(C) It is, unlike the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
No, the contrary
(D) It is, like the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
Here is the contrary of C. And I guess this what we can conclude regarding the text.
(E) It is in the same plane as the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.
Not the same plane.


5. The passage suggests which of the following about models that predict solar eclipses?
"all calculations predicting a solar eclipse must be completed in three dimensions."

(A) Until the last century, it was impossible to create models that would accurately predict solar eclipses.
So this is true. I keep it. Let's chase a better answer.
(B) When it was discovered in 1901, the Antikythera Mechanism was the only model available to predict solar eclipses.
We do not know this. Maybe. Maybe not.
(C) The Antikythera Mechanism is not the only model that attempts to predict solar eclipses.
We can not keep this answer.
(D) The calendar months and the zodiac signs are both important for tracking the irregular motions of the Moon.
No way.
(E) The unpredictability of such models makes them suitable only as curiosities or antiques.
No because those models could have been accurates sometimes.


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Re: In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of [#permalink]
1. Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the passage as a whole?

answer is E) It draws a parallel between two phenomena discussed in the passage.

(A) It provides evidence to support the main idea introduced earlier in the passage: the main idea of passage is that Antikythera Mechanism (AM)was very accurate in prediction of eclipses like modern technology but its whereabouts on by whom and how it was created is still a scientific puzzle . So the second para does not exactly fits in to provide evidence for main idea of passage as it only talks about near accuracy with modern technology only , so its a misfit
(B) It presents a hypothesis that is rejected in the final paragraph of the passage: actually the hypothesis is that AM predated similar technology by 1,000 years which was given in first para , but by no means the second para presents this hypothesis , so this is out
(C) It offers an example of a theory proposed in the first paragraph of the passage : there is no theory proposed in first paragraph , so cannot be an example for the same .
(D) It suggests a solution to a problem described earlier in the passage: the second para nowhere gives solution to whereabouts problem of AM, so out
(E) It draws a parallel between two phenomena discussed in the passage: exactly - the second para goes on to explain how AM is parallel to similar technologies dated later , so that similarity is being drawn , so this is the answer

2. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that

answer is (B) Babylonian arithmetical methods predate Greek trigonometry

(A) the Ancient Greeks were more sophisticated than most people believe: no where in passage such a comparison on more sophisticated than most people believe can be traced in third para
(B) Babylonian arithmetical methods predate Greek trigonometry: yes this is the answer as device was dated to 205 BC and Greek trigo was not present at that time while babylonian arithmetics methods were borrowed by Greeks
(C) the greatest thinker in Ancient Greece was Archimedes : nowhere such a comparison on Archimedes being greatest thinker is made
(D) Information obtainable by modern-day telescopes was also available in Ancient Greece : this is not mentioned in third para
(E) the Antikythera Mechanism was more likely to accurately predict a solar eclipse than modern day technology : such a comparison on AM more accurately predicting the solar eclipse than modern day tech is actually reversal of facts and also this is part of second para

3. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the Antikythera Mechanism is true?

answer is e)t could be 38 degrees inaccurate.
(A) It was created by Archimedes : this cannot be inferred as it is just conjecture by Cicero
(B) It is 1,000 years old : the first para only says that AM predated similar technology by 1000 years , but later on also mentions that age of AM device was older than it was previously thought , so this cannot be taken as true
(C) It was created in the 1900s : in 1900's the AM device was just discovered
(D) It was the world’s first digital computer.: it was world's first analog computer
(E) It could be 38 degrees inaccurate : second para states that It is thus not surprising that, under certain circumstances, the device is inaccurate by up to 38 degrees; what is astonishing is that the device is remarkably accurate over a wide range of conditions, thus its true

4. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the orbit of the Earth around the Sun?
answer is (D) It is, like the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
(A) It renders predicting solar eclipses impossible without a telescope : this is extreme language , nowhere its mentioned that predicting eclipse without telescope is impossible
(B) It is explainable using Greek trigonometry : no where orbit of Earth around the Sun is told in passage to be explained by Greek Trignometry
(C) It is, unlike the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.- actually this is reversal of fact as per passage
(D) It is, like the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical -in first para its clearly mentioned that moon's orbit around earth is elliptical and in second para its mentioned that sun's orbit around earth is also elliptical
(E) It is in the same plane as the Moon’s orbit around the Earth: this is reversal of facts , passage states that plane is not the same

5. The passage suggests which of the following about models that predict solar eclipses?

answer is c) The Antikythera Mechanism is not the only model that attempts to predict solar eclipses.
(A) Until the last century, it was impossible to create models that would accurately predict solar eclipses : extreme language , we do not know anything about last century
(B) When it was discovered in 1901, the Antikythera Mechanism was the only model available to predict solar eclipses :
we cannot say this as first para says that AM predated similar technology by 1,000 years , so that means that other models may have existed by 1901
(C) The Antikythera Mechanism is not the only model that attempts to predict solar eclipses : this is true as with the wording AM predated similar technology by 1,000 years - we can clearly infer that there are other models in timeline that predict eclipses
(D) The calendar months and the zodiac signs are both important for tracking the irregular motions of the Moon: this is nowhere mentioned that calender months and zodiac signs are imp for tracking irregular motions of moon
(E) The unpredictability of such models makes them suitable only as curiosities or antiques : actually second para says that what is astonishing is that the device is remarkably accurate over a wide range of conditions , so this unpredictability language making them curosities etc is extreme wording and hence incorrect
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Re: In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of [#permalink]
Short note on the passage :
P1 : 1901 contraption The AM - structure & design. Predate similar by 1,000 year. Who made?
P2: the AM surprising accuracy - Only source as observation of night .
P3: Recent analysis : the AM on Babylonian methods in 205 BC.

1. Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the passage as a whole?

(A) It provides evidence to support the main idea introduced earlier in the passage.
Correct- the main idea is that the mechanism remains one of science’s great puzzles to this day. 2nd para adds on why it is considered puzzling.
(B) It presents a hypothesis that is rejected in the final paragraph of the passage.
The para does not present any hypothesis.
(C) It offers an example of a theory proposed in the first paragraph of the passage.
There is no example , nor is there any theory.
(D) It suggests a solution to a problem described earlier in the passage.
Till para 2, the passage does not say anything about the findings . So, there is no solution to the puzzle in para 2.
(E) It draws a parallel between two phenomena discussed in the passage.
There are no two parallel phenomena.


2. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that

(A) the Ancient Greeks were more sophisticated than most people believe
Can't be true. This is supported by the recent analysis "the mechanism was based not on Greek trigonometry, but on Babylonian arithmetical methods borrowed by the Greeks"
(B) Babylonian arithmetical methods predate Greek trigonometry
Correct. The mechanism was based on Babylonian arithmetical method and Greek trigonometry was nonexistent in 205 BC.
(C) the greatest thinker in Ancient Greece was Archimedes
We can't infer if Archimedes was a thinker or not.
(D) Information obtainable by modern-day telescopes was also available in Ancient Greece
No, the sole source of information available to scientists was observation of the night sky.
(E) the Antikythera Mechanism was more likely to accurately predict a solar eclipse than modern day technology
The device is remarkably accurate over a wide range of conditions but can't be inferred to be better than modern day technology.


3. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the Antikythera Mechanism is true?

(A) It was created by Archimedes.
This Cicero’s claim is plausible but not certain.
(B) It is 1,000 years old.
It predated similar technology by 1,000 years.
(C) It was created in the 1900s.
Discovered in 1901.
(D) It was the world’s first digital computer.
It is regarded as the world’s first analog computer.
(E) It could be 38 degrees inaccurate.
Correct, The device is inaccurate by up to 38 degrees.


4. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the orbit of the Earth around the Sun?

(A) It renders predicting solar eclipses impossible without a telescope.
Telescope helped the predictions but can't say it was "impossible" without it.
(B) It is explainable using Greek trigonometry.
Greek did not have the knowledge on the nature of the orbit.
(C) It is, unlike the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
" the mechanism replicated the irregular motions of the Moon caused by its elliptical orbit around the Earth through the use of two gear-wheels," implies that Moon’s orbit around the Earth is elliptical.
(D) It is, like the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
Correct. Bothe the orbits are ellipticals.
"the mechanism replicated the irregular motions of the Moon caused by its elliptical orbit around the Earth through the use of two gear-wheels,"
"the Earth’s orbit around the Sun is also elliptical such that, depending on the time of year, the Earth is gradually traveling nearer to or farther from the Sun"

(E) It is in the same plane as the Moon’s orbit around the Earth
The plane of the Moon’s revolution around the Earth is not the same as the plane of the Earth’s revolution around the Sun.


5. The passage suggests which of the following about models that predict solar eclipses?

(A) Until the last century, it was impossible to create models that would accurately predict solar eclipses.
The Antikythera Mechanism is believed to be created in 205 BC.
(B) When it was discovered in 1901, the Antikythera Mechanism was the only model available to predict solar eclipses.
"Accurately predicting lunar and solar eclipses, as well as solar, lunar, and planetary positions, it predated similar technology by 1,000 years." Thus,there could be other models within the duration of 1000 years but may not be as accurate as the AM was.
(C) The Antikythera Mechanism is not the only model that attempts to predict solar eclipses.
The models were there but not as accurate as the AM was.
(D) The calendar months and the zodiac signs are both important for tracking the irregular motions of the Moon.
They are the parts of The Antikythera Mechanism but not surely required to track the irregular motions of the Moon.
(E) The unpredictability of such models makes them suitable only as curiosities or antiques.
They may have their practical purposes.

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Re: In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of [#permalink]
1. Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the passage as a whole?

(A) It provides evidence to support the main idea introduced earlier in the passage.
I'm not sure and I'm stuck between A and C. But I like A better because 2nd para provides the evidence to support the idea that AM is remarkably intricate and we still don't know who made it.

(B) It presents a hypothesis that is rejected in the final paragraph of the passage.
The third para does not reject any idea in the passage.

(C) It offers an example of a theory proposed in the first paragraph of the passage.
I have eliminate this choice because of the word "theory". The passage doesn't provide the theory, it actually stated that the timing and nature of its existence remains one of science’s great puzzles to this day.

(D) It suggests a solution to a problem described earlier in the passage.
The second para doesn't suggest a solution to a problem described earlier in the passage.

(E) It draws a parallel between two phenomena discussed in the passage.
No 2 phenomena are discuss in the passage.

2. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that

(A) the Ancient Greeks were more sophisticated than most people believe
The author never stated that Ancient Greeks were more sophisticated than most people believe

(B) Babylonian arithmetical methods predate Greek trigonometry
Yes, the third para stated that Babylonian arithmetical methods were borrowed by the Greeks.

(C) the greatest thinker in Ancient Greece was Archimedes
No such claims were made.

(D) Information obtainable by modern-day telescopes was also available in Ancient Greece
The passage actually stated that telescope was not there at that time

(E) the Antikythera Mechanism was more likely to accurately predict a solar eclipse than modern-day technology
No Am is 38 degrees incorrect

3. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the Antikythera Mechanism is true?

E.... Very good question. If a person is hasty, then she/ he may fall into the trap.

(A) It was created by Archimedes.
Trap. This was stated by Cicero but not by the author.

(B) It is 1,000 years old.
AM is 1000 advance to the similar technology of its time, not 1000 yrs old.

(C) It was created in the 1900s.
No, in fact, it was found in 1900.

(D) It was the world’s first digital computer.
Trap-"digital". The passage stated that AM was the world’s first analog computer.

(E) It could be 38 degrees inaccurate.
Correct, the passage stated that the device is inaccurate by up to 38 degrees

4. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the orbit of the Earth around the Sun?
D,,,,,, But I am not sure. :| :please:

(A) It renders predicting solar eclipses impossible without a telescope.
No, the passage actually stated opposite.

(B) It is explainable using Greek trigonometry.
The passage never stated that the explanation of the orbit of the Earth around the Sun using Greek trigonometry.

(C) It is, unlike the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
The author stated that the plane of the Moon’s revolution around the Earth is not the same as the plane of the Earth’s revolution around the Sun.
The passage stated that the plane of both the object is not the same, but it never stated that the revolution of both the object is not the same.

(D) It is, like the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
Yes, the earth orbit is elliptical.

(E) It is in the same plane as the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.
The passage stated the reverse. the plane of both the object is not the same.

5. The passage suggests which of the following about models that predict solar eclipses?
This is an inference question and we need to find the choice that must be true from the passage.

(A) Until the last century, it was impossible to create models that would accurately predict solar eclipses.
This choice could be true, but the passage never stated that it was impossible to create models that would accurately predict solar eclipses until the last century

(B) When it was discovered in 1901, the Antikythera Mechanism was the only model available to predict solar eclipses.
We cannot be sure that the Antikythera Mechanism was the only model available to predict solar eclipses.

(C) The Antikythera Mechanism is not the only model that attempts to predict solar eclipses.
Correct, modern science try to predict a solar eclipse and that's how we know AM is 38 degrees wrong.

(D) The calendar months and the zodiac signs are both important for tracking the irregular motions of the Moon.
The passage never mentions that the calendar months and the zodiac signs are both important for tracking the irregular motions of the Moon.

(E) The unpredictability of such models makes them suitable only as curiosities or antiques.
Out of scope. No such things were mention in the passage.
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Re: In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of [#permalink]

1. Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the passage as a whole?

(A) It provides evidence to support the main idea introduced earlier in the passage.
CORRECT:-It provide a support a idea that we still dont know who made it and how made it

(B) It presents a hypothesis that is rejected in the final paragraph of the passage.
INCORRECT:-3rd para talk about methodly which was use greek is learn from Babylonian
3rd para not rejecting any idea which is discussed in 2nd para

(C) It offers an example of a theory proposed in the first paragraph of the passage.
INCORRECT:-1st para NOT propose any theory

(D) It suggests a solution to a problem described earlier in the passage.
INCORRECT:- NO SUGGESTION is given in 2nd para

(E) It draws a parallel between two phenomena discussed in the passage.
INCORRECT:-in Passage doesnt discussed two phenomena

2. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that

(A) the Ancient Greeks were more sophisticated than most people believe
INCORRECT:-No comparision of Greek people with other peopes are discussed in passage

(B) Babylonian arithmetical methods predate Greek trigonometry
CORRECT:- It can inferred from 3rd para

(C) the greatest thinker in Ancient Greece was Archimedes
INCORRECT:- Avoid Superlative degree in poe unless it is clearly mentioned in passage

(D) Information obtainable by modern-day telescopes was also available in Ancient Greece
INCORRECT:- It is not mentioned in passage

(E) the Antikythera Mechanism was more likely to accurately predict a solar eclipse than modern day technology
INCORRECT:- second para inpaly this but 2rd para says opposite

3. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the Antikythera Mechanism is true?

(A) It was created by Archimedes.
INCORRECT:- IN last line of para 1 author say who and how create it means creater is unknown

(B) It is 1,000 years old.
INCORRECT:-IN LAST para Recent analysis dating the device to 205 BC, earlier than previously thought, means date of creation is unknown

(C) It was created in the 1900s.
INCORRECT:- Same reason which mentioned in option B

(D) It was the world’s first digital computer.
INCORRECT:-According to 1st para it is words 1 analog computer not digital computer

(E) It could be 38 degrees inaccurate.
CORRECT:-It is mention in last lines of 2nd Para that the device is inaccurate by up to 38 degrees


4. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the orbit of the Earth around the Sun?

(A) It renders predicting solar eclipses impossible without a telescope.
INCORRECT:-It is not indicated in passage

(B) It is explainable using Greek trigonometry.
INCORRECT:-Not mentioned in passage

(C) It is, unlike the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.

(D) It is, like the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
CORRECT:-It is mentioned in 2nd para
Supporting line:- the Earth’s orbit around the Sun is also elliptical such that, depending on the time of year, the Earth is gradually traveling nearer to or farther from the Sun

(E) It is in the same plane as the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.
INCORRECT:- Opposite to it mentioned in 2nd para

5. The passage suggests which of the following about models that predict solar eclipses?

(A) Until the last century, it was impossible to create models that would accurately predict solar eclipses.
INCORRECT:-NO mentioned in the passage

(B) When it was discovered in 1901, the Antikythera Mechanism was the only model available to predict solar eclipses.
INCORRECT:-ONLY word is suspective word it make answer extreme avoid it in RC

(C) The Antikythera Mechanism is not the only model that attempts to predict solar eclipses.
CORRECT:-It is mentioned in 1st para that such technique also used by 1000 year ago

(D) The calendar months and the zodiac signs are both important for tracking the irregular motions of the Moon.
INCORRECT:-Not mentioned in the passage

(E) The unpredictability of such models makes them suitable only as curiosities or antiques.
INCORRECT:-ONLY word is suspective word it make answer extreme avoid it in RC
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Re: In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of [#permalink]
1. Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the passage as a whole?

(A) It provides evidence to support the main idea introduced earlier in the passage......There is no evidence mentioned in the second para. Its a description of how scientists predicts solar eclipse today. Eliminate
(B) It presents a hypothesis that is rejected in the final paragraph of the passage.....The rejection in third para is on the belief that AM was made by Greeks. More over there is no hypothesis in second para. Eliminate.
(C) It offers an example of a theory proposed in the first paragraph of the passage......Although it cannot be considered exactly an example. But it does relates to the theory mentioned in the first para. Also it is mentioned "Today, scientists understand much more about the complexities of the orbital revolutions that cause solar eclipses to occur; for instance, . Keep It.
(D) It suggests a solution to a problem described earlier in the passage.....No mention of any solution. Eliminate.
(E) It draws a parallel between two phenomena discussed in the passage.....There is one phenomena discussed in the passage, Eclipse. The second (only if we want to consider) can be the planetary position. But it is not discussed. Let alone be parallel Eliminate.

2. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that

(A) the Ancient Greeks were more sophisticated than most people believe.....Yes they might be sophisticated. But, degree of sophistication vs people belief (which is not mentioned) cant be inferred. Eliminate.
(B) Babylonian arithmetical methods predate Greek trigonometry.....It is clearly mentioned "suggests that the eclipse prediction mechanism was based not on Greek trigonometry but on Babylonian arithmetical methods borrowed by the Greek trigonometry was nonexistent in 205 BC." Keep It.
(C) the greatest thinker in Ancient Greece was Archimedes......Cant be inferred. Eliminate
(D) Information obtainable by modern-day telescopes was also available in Ancient Greece.....Yes it can be inferred, but not from the third para. It is mentioned in the second para.
(E) the Antikythera Mechanism was more likely to accurately predict a solar eclipse than modern day technology......AM vs modern day tech is a part of second para. Also AM was inaccurate under certain circumstances, in which modern day technology is accurate. Eliminate.

3. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the Antikythera Mechanism is true?

(A) It was created by Archimedes......There are still doubts. Eliminate.
(B) It is 1,000 years old......It predated the similar tech by 1000yrs. When was the similar tech found? Eliminate.
(C) It was created in the 1900s......It was discovered in 1901. Not created. Eliminate.
(D) It was the world’s first digital computer......It was worlds first analog computer not digital. Eliminate.
(E) It could be 38 degrees inaccurate......It Is mentioned in second para "It is thus not surprising that, under certain circumstances, the device is inaccurate by up to 38 degrees;". Also, could is a fine word under to represent liklihood. Keep It.

4. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the orbit of the Earth around the Sun?

(A) It renders predicting solar eclipses impossible without a telescope......OFS. ELiminate.
(B) It is explainable using Greek trigonometry......Greek Trigonometry was a method which could have been useful in creating the AM. If at all it was Greeks who created it. Eliminate.
(C) It is, unlike the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical......Moons orbit is elliptical. Eliminate.
(D) It is, like the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical......In the opening lines of second para, "Today, scientists understand much more about the complexities of the orbital revolutions that cause solar eclipses to occur; for instance, the Earth’s orbit around the Sun is also elliptical". Solar eclipse = Moon between Earth & Sun, Orbital Revolutions = Of Moon around. If we see "Earths orbit is also eliptical", here is also is referring back to the orbit in which Moon revolve around Earth. Keep It.
(E) It is in the same plane as the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.......They are in different plane. ELiminate.

5. The passage suggests which of the following about models that predict solar eclipses?

The models discussed in the passage:
Model-1 - AM - Discovered in 1901, Predated similar tech by 1000 yrs. Lets assume it was made in 205 BC.
Model-2 - The one which existed after AM+1000 yrs, which can be 795 AD.
Model-3 - Today's model (assuming that after 795 AD, the modifications resulted in only one model)

(A) Until the last century, it was impossible to create models that would accurately predict solar eclipses.....No there were atleast 2. Eliminate.
(B) When it was discovered in 1901, the Antikythera Mechanism was the only model available to predict solar eclipses......There is atleast one more model between 1901 & 205BC. ELiminate.
(C) The Antikythera Mechanism is not the only model that attempts to predict solar eclipses.....Yes its true, as per the above reasoning. Keep It.
(D) The calendar months and the zodiac signs are both important for tracking the irregular motions of the Moon.....They are important for tracking the motions of the moon, not only irregular. Eliminate.
(E) The unpredictability of such models makes them suitable only as curiosities or antiques......OFS. Eliminate

IMO Options C, B, E, D, C
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Re: In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of [#permalink]
Expert Reply
Hello Everyone!

This is again a medium to hard level passage, OA revealed now, you can check your answers.

Tier 1 Explanations (9/10)


Tier 2 Explanations (8/10)


Rest all are tier 3 and I would suggest all them to read purposefully so they don't miss the medium level questions.

Thank you!
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Re: In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of [#permalink]
Hi Sajjad1994,

Greetings of the day.

I attempted this passage and picked the wrong answer option for the 4th question.

I read out the passage again, but unable to figure out how Option D is the correct answer choice.

I would request you to confirm me that portion of the passage, along with lines, which confirms the answer.

Many Thanks in advance.
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Re: In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of [#permalink]
Expert Reply
RahulHGGmat wrote:
Hi Sajjad1994,

Greetings of the day.

I attempted this passage and picked the wrong answer option for the 4th question.

I read out the passage again, but unable to figure out how Option D is the correct answer choice.

I would request you to confirm me that portion of the passage, along with lines, which confirms the answer.

Many Thanks in advance.

Please read the explanation here in the link below, the lines are explicitly mentioned in it. ... l#p2701235

Thank you
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Re: In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of [#permalink]
1. Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the passage as a whole?

(A) It provides evidence to support the main idea introduced earlier in the passage.
Antikythera Mechanism: Accurately predicting lunar and solar eclipses, as well as solar, lunar, and planetary positions, it predated similar technology by 1,000 years. The timing and nature of its existence remains one of science’s great puzzles to this day. How and by whom was it created? --> Introduce the main idea

(B) It presents a hypothesis that is rejected in the final paragraph of the passage.
(C) It offers an example of a theory proposed in the first paragraph of the passage.
(D) It suggests a solution to a problem described earlier in the passage.
(E) It draws a parallel between two phenomena discussed in the passage.

2. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that

(A) the Ancient Greeks were more sophisticated than most people believe
(B) Babylonian arithmetical methods predate Greek trigonometry
Archimedes created the mechanism, as Greek trigonometry was nonexistent in 205 BC.
(C) the greatest thinker in Ancient Greece was Archimedes
(D) Information obtainable by modern-day telescopes was also available in Ancient Greece
(E) the Antikythera Mechanism was more likely to accurately predict a solar eclipse than modern day technology

3. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the Antikythera Mechanism is true?

(A) It was created by Archimedes.
(B) It is 1,000 years old.
(C) It was created in the 1900s.
(D) It was the world’s first digital computer.
(E) It could be 38 degrees inaccurate.
It is thus not surprising that, under certain circumstances, the device is inaccurate by up to 38 degrees

4. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the orbit of the Earth around the Sun?

(A) It renders predicting solar eclipses impossible without a telescope.
(B) It is explainable using Greek trigonometry.
(C) It is, unlike the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
(D) It is, like the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, elliptical.
the Earth’s orbit around the Sun is also elliptical
irregular motions of the Moon caused by its elliptical orbit around the Earth

(E) It is in the same plane as the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.

5. The passage suggests which of the following about models that predict solar eclipses?

(A) Until the last century, it was impossible to create models that would accurately predict solar eclipses.
(B) When it was discovered in 1901, the Antikythera Mechanism was the only model available to predict solar eclipses.
(C) The Antikythera Mechanism is not the only model that attempts to predict solar eclipses.
While in modern times the use of satellites, telescopes, and other high-tech equipment has greatly enhanced our capacity for such calculations
(D) The calendar months and the zodiac signs are both important for tracking the irregular motions of the Moon.
(E) The unpredictability of such models makes them suitable only as curiosities or antiques.
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Re: In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of [#permalink]
Sajjad1994 wrote:
Official Explanation

1. Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the passage as a whole?

Difficulty Level: Hard

Step 1: Identify the question.

The language the relationship of the second paragraph to the passage as a whole in the question stem indicates that this is a Paragraph question. Your task is to determine what role this paragraph plays in the overall simple story.

Step 2: Find the support.

Review your notes on the second paragraph, paying attention to how it relates to the other paragraphs. Or, glance back at the second paragraph, as well as several lines immediately before and after it.

Step 3: Predict an answer.

One test-taker’s map of this passage might look like this:

The point is something like “We still don’t know who made AM or how it was made, but it was surprisingly accurate at predicting solar eclipses.” The first paragraph introduces the point. The second paragraph talks about how very complex eclipses are, underscoring the surprising fact that the AM is pretty accurate given that whoever made it didn’t have any of the sophisticated equipment that is available today.

The second paragraph, then, is providing additional information to support the claim made in the first paragraph (that AM is surprisingly accurate given how old it is).

Step 4: Eliminate and find a match.

(A) CORRECT. This matches what the second paragraph does.

(B) Whoops! Time to look at the third paragraph, too. That paragraph talks more about who might have invented AM. The third paragraph isn’t rejecting anything from the second paragraph, so this choice can’t be right.

(C) This one’s closer. The first paragraph, though, didn’t propose a theory as to who made this thing or how it was made; it just says that we still don’t know.

(D) The first paragraph could be described as a discussion of a problem. But the second paragraph does not propose a solution to that conundrum. (The third paragraph could be described this way.)

(E) Drawing a parallel would be making a connection between two separate phenomena, or events. The passage does not discuss two such events. Further, the second paragraph elaborates on the point discussed in the first paragraph, so answer (A) is a better match.

Answer: A

2. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that

Difficulty Level: Easy

Step 1: Identify the question.

The word inferred in the question stem indicates that this is an Inference question.

Step 2: Find the support.

Support can be found in lines:

Recent analysis dating the device to 205 BC, earlier than previously thought, suggests that the eclipse prediction mechanism was based not on Greek trigonometry but on Babylonian arithmetical methods borrowed by the Greeks. This conjecture makes plausible Cicero’s claim that Archimedes created the mechanism, as Greek trigonometry was nonexistent in 205 BC.

Step 3: Predict an answer.

What can be inferred? The device was once thought to have been created later than 205 BC. If they now think that it was based on Babylonian arithmetical methods, then those methods must have been in existence already in 205 BC.

Step 4: Eliminate and find a match.

(A) The paragraph doesn’t address what most people believe about how sophisticated the Ancient Greeks were.

(B) CORRECT. This matches the predicted answer: the Babylonian methods were already in existence by 205 BC. The passage states that Greek trigonometry was nonexistent in 205 BC, so the Babylonian math predated the Greek math.

(C) The paragraph indicates only that Cicero thinks Archimedes may have created the mechanism; it does not mention other thinkers.

(D) The third paragraph does not indicate this; in fact, the second paragraph appears to contradict it.

(E) The third paragraph does not indicate this; if anything, the second paragraph implies the opposite.

Answer: B

3. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the Antikythera Mechanism is true?

Difficulty Level: Medium

Step 1: Identify the question.

According to the passage indicates that this is a Specific Detail question. What is true of the Antikythera Mechanism? The passage includes several facts.

Step 2: Predict an answer.

The correct answer should match one of the descriptive facts given about the Antikythera Mechanism.

Step 3: Eliminate and find a match.

(A) Cicero claims this; the passage indicates, however, that the creator is still not definitively known.

(B) It predated similar technology by 1,000 years, but it is believed to have been created in 205 BC, more than 2,000 years ago.

(C) It was discovered in 1901; it was created much earlier.

(D) The first paragraph indicates that it was considered the world’s first analog computer.

(E) CORRECT. This information is found in the last sentence of the second paragraph.

Answer: E

4. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the orbit of the Earth around the Sun?

Difficulty Level: Hard

Step 1: Identify the question.

According to the passage indicates that this is a Specific Detail question.

Step 2: Find the support.

Support can be found in the second paragraph:

…the Earth’s orbit around the Sun is also elliptical such that, depending on the time of year, the Earth is gradually traveling nearer to or farther from the Sun.

Step 3: Predict an answer.

The orbit is elliptical, which seems to mean that the Earth is sometimes closer to the Sun and sometimes farther away.

Step 4: Eliminate and find a match.

(A) The passage indicates that the Antikythera Mechanism was relatively reliable even without telescopes.

(B) The third paragraph discusses trigonometry in relation to the Antikythera Mechanism (and, further, says that it was probably not used).

(C) The Earth’s orbit is elliptical…what about the Moon’s?

Check the passage.

Paragraph 1:…the irregular motions of the Moon caused by its elliptical orbit around the Earth. The Moon’s orbit is also elliptical.

(D) CORRECT. The orbits of the Earth and of the Moon are both elliptical.

(E) The second paragraph indicates that the opposite is true: the two planes are not the same.

Answer: D

5. The passage suggests which of the following about models that predict solar eclipses?

Difficulty Level: Hard

Step 1: Identify the question.

The word suggests indicates that this is an Inference question. The question asks about models that predict solar eclipses in general, not just the Antikythera Mechanism in particular, so expect the correct answer to be based on broader information about such devices.

Step 2: Find the support.

Support can be found in the first and second paragraphs:

Accurately predicting lunar and solar eclipses, as well as solar, lunar, and planetary positions, it predated similar technology by 1,000 years.

While in modern times the use of satellites, telescopes, and other high-tech equipment has greatly enhanced our capacity for such calculations, when the Antikythera Mechanism was created, the sole source of information available to scientists was observation of the night sky.

Step 3: Predict an answer.

The correct answer should convey something that must be true about solar eclipse prediction models in general.

Step 4: Eliminate and find a match.

(A) The Antikythera Mechanism is described as fairly accurate, and it was created approximately 2,000 years ago.

(B) The passage indicates only that this was the earliest known model, not that it is or was the only one at the time of its discovery.

(C) CORRECT. The first paragraph says that the Antikythera Mechanism predated similar technology by 1,000 years (lines 23–24). In other words, at least one additional type of solar eclipse model was made.

(D) This is mentioned only in relation to the Antikythera Mechanism specifically.

(E) The Antikythera Mechanism is described as relatively accurate, not unpredictable. Further, such models is too broad; ancient models might be considered antiques, but the question stem could refer to any models that predict solar eclipses, including modern ones.

Answer: C

­Does option E is not supported by line mentioned in paragraph " The timing and nature of its existence remains one of science’s great puzzles to this day. How and by whom was it created?" 
Like unpredictability of their existence ??
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