October 12, 2016

Joined: Aug 25, 2016

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Terrific Advisor and Coach

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I come from a traditional background for business school applicants: Ivy league undergrad, average GPA, high GMAT, and 4 years of work experience in asset management then financial technology in NYC.

I had first taken my GMAT without knowing whether if I'd apply, but after I got a great score- decided to give it a shot. When I first started looking into business school applications, I was overwhelmed by the process. I looked into several consultants by first scheduling the 30 minute free consultation with each. When I spoke with Liza, I knew right away that she knew her stuff - she went straight to critiquing my resume and giving me individualized advice during that first 30 minutes, rather than some more "fluffy" stuff that other consultants talked to me about.

Going with Liza got me into my first choice school (Columbia ED). I signed up for the hourly services, and saw Liza as being extremely efficient at using our time together. From the brainstorming sessions, Liza helped me come up with themes and main stories for my essays based on the 15 page long brainstorming document I completed for her. The edits she then made on my essay drafts were always on point and made my essay much more succinct and more coherent. I was always surprised at how little time she used up to do all of the edits- which were a big positive surprise as an hourly client.

I'm very happy with the services Liza provided me. She took a lot of the stress out of the process and it was apparent to me right away that she knows exactly what she is doing and what needs to be done to get her clients to their top programs.

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