November 21, 2023

Joined: Jun 05, 2021

Posts: 4

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V40

My journey of 2.5 years to achieve 700+ in GMAT


Improvement 70 Points

Course GMATWhiz GMAT Prep

Location Online

Dear fellow GMAT test takers,

I recently took my 6th attempt at the GMAT and scored 730 (Q49 V40) after 2.5 years of preparation. I have used almost all the courses available for the GMAT, and I would like to share my journey on this platform. I hope my journey will help those attempting this exam achieve their dream score sooner than I did.

My journey started with Magoosh, Manhattan Prep books, and Official mocks in 2021, and I scored 600 (Q45 V28) and 590 (Q44 V23) in my first two attempts. I realized both my Verbal and Quant were weak. E-Gmat helped me improve my basics, enabling me to score 660 (Q49 V34). However, I wanted to score above 700. Though E-GMAT is good in terms of its content, I did not get the personal connect I was looking for. I knew I needed some personal connection, so I enrolled for 10 sessions with Crack Verbal to help me with the verbal part, but even that did not help much as my basics were also fairly okay. I was clueless about what to do next and then sought help from GMATWhiz.

GMATWhiz and Satyam Gupta, my mentor, deserve a special mention for the role they played in helping me achieve my dream score. GMATWhiz has exceptionally good content, custom quizzes, mock tests, and, most importantly, mentors whom you can talk to, to help resolve your issues. The course includes explanatory videos, easy quizzes to test and cement the learnings, and hard quizzes to help recall and apply the learnings. Both the verbal and quant sections have a similar format. The explanatory videos are very basic and help understand the concepts easily. The quizzes were equally helpful and served their purpose. But, most importantly, what helped me the most was the one-to-one connect with the mentor who helped analyze and address my weak areas.

I had already booked my GMAT on 30th August, leaving me around 25 days to prepare. I scheduled a call with my mentor, who understood my background and asked me to solve some quizzes in a fixed time. I took those quizzes and then reconnected with my mentor, who analyzed my performance and figured out my weak areas. He helped me understand where I was lagging and explained how those aspects were impacting my overall score.

I messaged him whenever I needed help. GMATWhiz Mocks were equally helpful in that I could see how I performed in each quarter, what my weak areas were, and what I could do to improve. This AI-powered platform is really amazing. With this preparation, I attempted and scored 640 (Q50 V23), a disappointing and unbelievable score. I knew right away that this was not my score; I must have been anxious in the verbal part.

Heartbroken, I called my mentor again. He motivated me to attempt the GMAT exam again and asked me to work on all official questions and Whiz quizzes in a way that simulated the actual GMAT. During this phase, I was constantly in touch with my mentor, and he made small corrections to the plan. Two days before the exam, he asked me to review the questions I solved incorrectly in the mocks and Whiz quizzes. Reviewing these helped me fix the areas where I lacked and also didn't put much pressure on me, bringing my mind to ease.

Now when I look back, I realize that before GMATWhiz and my mentor, I was only trying to score a good score and was not able to analyze where I lacked and how to improve my score. I tried to address the challenges without understanding the root cause and how could I. I didn't even know where to look for the problem. I only knew how to see the overall score and the number of easy, medium, and hard questions. Had I met my mentor sooner, during the course of my preparation, I would not have taken six attempts to reach my dream score.

I wholeheartedly endorse GMATWhiz and its one-to-one mentor connect program, which not only helps you understand the concepts of GMAT but also guides you through the journey. Having someone guide you in the preparation goes a long way in achieving your dream score. Good luck to everyone.

Tejas Amashi.

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