March 24, 2015

Joined: Oct 21, 2013

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Self-reported Score:
710 Q46 V38

Great Program! Amazing Price!


Improvement 50 Points

Course Magoosh Premium

Location Online

I loved Magoosh due to the on demand lessons. I was able to watch them on my computer and on my phone. It made studying a lot better. Each lesson had some practice problems in it where you pause the video and work out the problem then resume. These were very helpful.

In addition to the lesson app, there is a math flashcards app and an idiom flashcards app.

Each lesson page has the transcript available so you read it as well. This was helpful when I wanted to review and read fast instead of having to listen. You can click on text and it takes you right to the prior sentence on the video.

Each practice questions comes with a video and text explanation and reference to lessons.

The only negative I feel is that there were only about 50 very very hard questions on the quant. I wish they would have had more, but you can get these elsewhere as well. I used the OG and other GMAT club resources.

I wanted a 50 point improvement and I got it! I am very happy.

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