A flock of geese fly high, sually in a specific formation) communicate with other flocks in light, and land in droves
(A) A flock of geese fly high, usually in a specific formation, communicate with other flocks in flight, and land in droves. (B) A flock of geese flies high, usually in a specific formation, communicate with other
flocks in flight, and land in droves. (C) A flock of geese fly high, usually in a specific formation, communicates with other flocks in flight, and land in droves.
(D) A flock of geese flies high, usually in a specific formation, communicates with other
flocks in flight, and land in droves.
(E) A flock of geese flies high, usually in a specific formation, communicates with othe flocks in flight, and lands in droves.
Ans pls