March 19, 2015

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Going into the Business School application process, I wanted to concentrate on strengthening my applications through my essays to make up for my ok, but not great, GMAT score.

I had participated in mbaMissions’s free online workshops, and decided to sign up for their free consultation. I chose to work with Eric Hollowaty based on his past experience and its relation to my work experience. Eric listened to what my goals were, and instead of trying to alter my goals he accepted them and helped me become the best applicant for my target schools.

When I started working with Eric, I had already formulated my “story” for the most part, so I didn’t feel the need to purchase the full school package. I instead opted for the hourly option and used Eric to help fine tune my essays for the three schools I ended up applying to in Round 1. Our process was pretty seamless and while we only technically worked together for 3 hours, Eric’s feedback on my essays helped me shape the other parts of my applications and prep for my interviews.

I worried that using a consultant would change the voice of my essays and sound disingenuous, so I did thorough self reviews of my essays before sending them to Eric. From there, Eric helped me highlight and extract aspects of the essays that I might not have realized were important pieces of my experiences and character. I really appreciated that Eric acknowledged both the effective areas of my essays as well as the areas that needed improvement. He worked efficiently within the time constraints I set for each essay review (3 hours goes by really quickly!) and returned my edited essays to me ahead of schedule every time.

I think the best part about working with Eric was the enthusiasm and excitement he showed when I was accepted to the three programs I applied to. He was very supportive throughout the entire process, and was just as thrilled about my acceptances as I was. Thanks Eric!

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