January 29, 2024

Joined: Jan 05, 2024

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Susan Is Simple Put, INCREDIBLE


It’s hard to overstate what a thoughtful, sharp, responsive, creative, brilliant and kind admissions consultant Susan was during the MBA admission process. I applied to only one MBA program and am happy to say I was accepted to Wharton. As a non-traditional applicant (practicing physician), Susan was able to quickly identify the most important and impactful aspects of my past and help me weave them into an fluid story and airtight application. In fact, I refined my own goals through the process of working with her. Through helping me put the pieces of my journey together, she also helped me feel more empowered about my own narrative, reminded me of the value of coaching, and helped me to become a better story-teller.

As these application processes can be stressful and daunting, her positivity and encouragement were instrumental for me. Another highlight was the precise, accurate interview preparation she put me through and her responsiveness throughout the process- I never felt like I was in this process solo. It was clear that she was 100% invested in my success.

I feel very fortunate to have been put in touch with Susan.

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