May 14, 2024

Joined: May 14, 2024

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Verified GMAT Focus score:
655 Q86 V81 DI80 (Online)

A must recommend course for all aspiring GMAT Focus taker


Improvement N/A

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

Location Online


The plethora of questions they have for each topic is commendable. Moreover, each question is bucketed topic wise and difficulty wise. Thus, giving the candidate fair idea on how they are performing.

Would make the product better:

Though the entire course is very helpful and really helped me boost by score, I found it a tad bit costly. Something that can be looked at especially for Indian candidates.

The Target Test Prep Course was really very helpful. I used it especially to strengthen my verbal and data insights. The materials provided for verbal not only taught me few tricks I should be adopting during the exam but also helped me get some fundamental aspects regarding each topic cleared. Also for each topic there are a lot of questions one can practice from. This gives the candidate enough exposure to GMAT like questions. Also, if we answer any question wrong, then the course allows you to choose why you answered it wrong. As you do this activity for various questions, it helps you identify what the most common mistake is while you are answering questions. Target test prep is highly recommended for all aspiring GMAT Focus takers!

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