April 02, 2018

Joined: May 31, 2012

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
570 Q46 V23

Excellent Verbal online course!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

E-GMAT is a very well-structured online GMAT course. I purchased verbal live online course by recommendation of my friend who was able to improve his verbal score from V31-V32 to V40.
As a non-native English speaking student, I found that verbal section of GMAT was very difficult especially SC which was my greatest weakness. After I finished SC course, I was very impressed by detailed explanations on most tested topics in SC. It made me realized that I had overlooked some important concepts in my previous preparation. Moreover, E-GMAT 3-step solving approach was very practical in the real practice test. It helped me improving my verbal score on practice test significantly.
Another challenge for me was time allocation for GMAT preparation. As a consultant, I normally work for 10 hours on average each day. However, with E-GMAT platform, I was able to access to my lesson or take a quick concept quiz via my smart phone during my trip from home to work.
In overall, I would recommend E-GMAT course to those non-native speakers who wish to excel in verbal sections. Good luck on your GMAT journey!

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