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Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs [#permalink]
FROM Pro GMAT: First MGMAT reviewed, processed, cooked
It was my first Manhattan GMAT exam. I went through all the instructions carefully. I was not aware that the section details comes within the timeframe of the exam. Ok. New Experience!!

Selected 75 minutes for both Quantitative and Verbal as I do not want to take the exam lightly. I must practice the exam and complete it within the time frame similar to that of GMAT. 

Gyan: The CAT exams should have the equal amount of time to that of GMAT for all the sections, this will help you to check your pace and the amount of stress you can handle.

I took this exam without AWA and IR. I started with good a pace but ended up wasting time in few of the questions. I Answered last 11 questions of quant in just 10 minutes and most of them were answered incorrectly. :\

In verbal, I did well with time but continuous 7 wrong answers took away the score from me and the %ile dropped sharply.

The score of this exam is as below:

Quant score is 41 and verbal is quite low 28. The math section in Manhattan is very hard as I saw around 20-22 questions with 700-800 difficulty level. And I also made a few mistakes at very starting of the exam, this got reflected in the score.

I should not make the mistakes at least in first 10 questions of GMAT!!

During review, I found few errors which are very easy to avoid during final GMAT. Some Gyan on Quant:

  • Given that x is a +ve number, do not consider it as an integer. It is a positive number but it can be a non-integer too.
  • When any 2 objects (normally car/train) move towards each other, the distance between them decreases at the rate of sum of the speed of both the objects. For Example: if 2 trains, with the speed of 10 mph and 15 mph, are moving towards each other, then the distance between them decreases at the rate of 25 mph.
  • If Numerator/Denominator is even then that means Numerator is even.
  • For a set X containing n integers, the mean equals the sum of integers (s) divided by the number of integers (n). If s is odd, the mean cannot be even. If s is even then the mean of set X can be even/odd.
And some Gyan on Verbal:

  • Had said‘ is past perfect, cannot use it for simple past event.
  • Always take care of the use of ‘s’ for singular and plural subjects. Like grow for plural/grows for singular
  • Use ‘Thought to be‘ instead of ‘Thought of as being‘ (it is wordy). Correct idiom is ‘thought to be
  •  “That” is used only with essential modifiers and is not separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma. “Which” is used when introducing non-essential modifiers and these modifiers are separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma.
  • Two independent clauses must be connected either by a conjunction, such as ‘and‘ or ‘but,‘ or by a semicolon.
  • Difference between may actually increase and actually increases. Removal of may increases the strength of the effect. So be careful in this type of SC question.
I hope avoiding these mistakes and following this Gyan could help you get a better score on GMAT.

Phew.. Lots of mistakes, a lot to learn, a lot to recover.

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Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs [#permalink]
It was not a holiday for me and I had a scheduled Manhattan GMAT 2nd CAT exam.

I had taken my previous exam without AWA & IR, so I thought of taking it with AWA & IR this time. I wanted to know the exam environment and my stress level during these exams.

I did my last exam review and was confident that I wont be making those mistake this time.

So it was 9:30 AM in the morning when I started my exam. First an essay. It was awa about art and music therapy against expensive drug treatments. I took a paper and wrote the main points that I wanted to include in the passage. I wrote 4 paragraphs about the argument and explained the prompt and situation. It took me 25 minutes to write the complete awa. (My typing speed is fast as I am a software engineer) *do practice on keyboard to increase typing speed. It takes a lot of time to think and then to type.

As soon as I hit confirm… Ooooooooo……What the…… Connection lost ….. and No Connection error. And when I refreshed the page, everything vanished. And timer of 30 minutes started again.

Very bad start.

Ok. I skipped the section to save time and went to the next section IR.

It took me 30 minutes to complete 10 questions. Rest 2 were attempted in a hurry to complete the section. Few questions were presented with big tables but easy to tackle.

*do not get stuck on one question. It will consume time for two and you have to guess and go at the end.

Hmmm. Took a long breath and had some juice and chips.

Then started quant section. It started with few tough questions. Indicates that I was doing well but as time passed I started getting question with less difficulty that indicates I answered few questions incorrectly in between.

I was half way when I got the next problem. GUESTS. I had to pause the exam for a about half an hour. After that break I was not able to focus on the exam and with less concentration, I completed the rest of my section. It took me long and I was not able to complete all the questions in time. So guessed last 5-6 questions. I also got 3-4 difficult probability questions ( my weak point). Screwed. A bad day.

Though I knew that this will get reflected in my score, I took a break of complete 8 minutes and went out for some fresh air. As Quant will not reflect my correct score, I went on for my verbal section.

Starting with verbal and everything was going fine till 1/3 rd of the exam when my phone thought of throwing one party . Office calls. They have privilege to call you any time (day/ night, sleeping/bathing). Some how completed the verbal section but this CAT was completely screwed. Was not thinking much but already had a plan to take my next CAT in some corner of my head.

Submitted exam with no interest to see the results. :\

The result was same as previous 570. But…wait… Quant -3 and Verbal +2.  Does this makes any sense!!

Dont know… Looking forward to my next exam…. With room locked and Mobile Switched off.. :-x

Filed under: Preparation Tagged: AWA, exam, GMAT, Manhattan, Mgmat, Quant, Study, Verbal
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Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs [#permalink]
FROM Pro GMAT: VPR: Veritas Prep Review
Yo!! Taken the Veritas prep, and it was nice to see an increase in score. :)

I have completed it on time. I think it was easier than MGMAT. Score was:

Few Takeaways: Quant:

  • Perimeter of a triangle with side a = a + a + a_/2
  • Reduction in % is sufficient to calculate the target in %.
  • Assume total occurrence + non-occurrence of an event as 1.
  • Slopes of 2 perpendicular lines are -ve reciprocals.
  • Need more practice on Data Sufficiency
Few Takeaways: Verbal:

  • Check the use of comma.
  • When ‘greater‘ is used, things are already compared. No need to use ‘compare‘ word again.
  • An alternative reason given for something brings the conclusion in doubt.
  • Need to indulge more into Passages.
My whiteboard force me daily to complete the tasks that are written on it. Nice board!! Helps me keep on track.

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Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs [#permalink]
FROM TexasWannaBeCali: Random Thoughts and Lots of Caffeine
I must say… I truly underestimated the chaos applying to business schools brings into your life. This time last year I was doing my last bit of prancing around the pool in my bikini and gearing up for my favorite time of year: football season, state fair season, boot and scarf season, and Fall tv show season. But now.. apparently it’s also Application Season. Oh how things change..

The GMAT is still my number one focus right now, but as soon as it’s over, I know I’ll need to quickly shift gears into the next steps of the app process to catch up with most of you. With my first GMAT exam ocurring so late in the season, I’m really happy I decided to apply to schools in Round 2. I’d probably be a nervous wreck right now if I had to do such a quick turn around. And that’s if I was satisfied with my first time score. Without all the added pressure of trying to make Round 1 deadlines, I have a clear mind to study GMAT prep and then can take a month or two to attend networking events, visit campuses and really get to learn all about the schools I hope to attend next year and experience all they have to offer.

I was finally able to find some time to read over one of Clear Admit’s School Guides. I got a Fuqua guide for my trial run and I will admit, I actually found it quite helpful. Maybe it’s because my job requires me to stare at a computer screen for 500 million hours a day, so I absolutely hate having to read anything on my laptop. I know its the 21st century (or the 22nd? I was never good at that) but I’m old school with some things and it was just extremely convienient to have this one comprehensive packet that I could just print out, read in bed, and scribble notes all over. One stop shop. Now I’m sure most information in the guide is somewhere on the school website, but a) i’m lazy and like things handed to me on a silver platter b) when it comes to researching multiple schools looking for ways to compare and contrast, it’s nice to have all the most important information right there in front of you so you’re guaranteed not to miss anything. It lays a really good foundation of organized info on which you can build upon by allowing you to spend more time researching the details that are most relevant to you. It features 9 chapters that include information about Academics, Special Programs (such as the HSM program, consulting, and study abroad), Career Services, the Admissions Process, and even essay analysis and Q&As with the admissions and career services directors. I actually learned alot about Fuqua that I hadn’t even thought to research or look into. The guide was long enough to give you your money’s worth and offer a good depth of information but wasn’t too long to bore you to death or overwhelm you with unnecessary facts. So for those of you who like me, may be feeling overwhelmed with organizing school specific info or maybe just learning all there is to know, I would highly suggest getting a copy, especially on the schools you are least familiar with.

I also downloaded the Clear Admit MBA Planner (it’s free)! It has all the application requirements and deadlines for all the top schools in checklist format and you add the schools you’re applying to, to your list. It also lets you jot down notes for each school’s essays. Very handy since I’m sure every single person on the planet has their phone with them at all times. I especially find this useful for the essays such as Duke’s “25 Random Things”. I tend to forget the so-called interesting things I’ve experienced in my 24 years of life when put on the spot to actually list them, so I like the fact that when I randomly think of something, I can just whip out my phone and make a note. I’m sure when the time comes for me to actually write my list, many of the things I wrote, may not get used, but it never hurts to have a few things already brainstormed.


As you can see, I’ve obviously gotten realllllllllll far on my applications.

That’s all the randomness I have for now. I’ll be in Atlanta all this week for work so I’ll probably gain like 500 pounds since all my meals are per diem and I’m always too tired to go to the crappy hotel gym. Goodbye hot bod.. we had a good run.

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Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs [#permalink]
FROM Pro GMAT: VPR: Veritas Prep Review
Yo!! Taken the Veritas prep, and it was nice to see an increase in score. :)

I have completed it on time. I think it was easier than MGMAT. Score was:

Few Takeaways: Quant:

  • Perimeter of a triangle with side a = a + a + a_/2
  • Reduction in % is sufficient to calculate the target in %.
  • Assume total occurrence + non-occurrence of an event as 1.
  • Slopes of 2 perpendicular lines are -ve reciprocals.
  • Need more practice on Data Sufficiency
Few Takeaways: Verbal:

  • Check the use of comma.
  • When ‘greater‘ is used, things are already compared. No need to use ‘compare‘ word again.
  • An alternative reason given for something brings the conclusion in doubt.
  • Need to indulge more into Passages.
My whiteboard forces me daily to complete the tasks that are written on it. Nice board!! Helps me keep on track.

Filed under: Preparation Tagged: Analysis, GMAT, Preparation, Study, Verbal, Veritas
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Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs [#permalink]
FROM Pro GMAT: Outch..It hurts..
It was a bad day again, or I would say a good day with some bad time.

I took my MGMAT #3 today and ended up with a hurtful Score. Its was just.. just.. 550 (Q40, V27).  – 20 from the previous result.

A +2 for Quant but a -3 for Verbal. I am completely out of clue about the results. Initially I thought there is some problem with the software, but no. How can that happen!!

It was a disappointing score with a decrease in performance. May be I need some rest from continuous studies.

After review of few problems. I realised few mistakes in my strategy. I definitely need to clear those mistakes.

What went Wrong: Quant
  • In DS, solved the question for Statement A. When I did not get the answer, I ran-on to solve for both the statements, instead of solving it only for B.
  • Did not assumed values: When no value is given for variables, assume some values and plug them into the answer choices to get the correct answer.
  • Simplify the equations given.
  • Do not solve in mind. Put your thought equation on paper and then solve them.
  • +/- matters in square values not in cubes.
  • Small calculation mistake, changed my next question.
  • No time left for last 2-3 questions. Improve and do not spend more than 3 minutes on a question if you are stuck somewhere.
  • Need to learn Divisibility rules and Standard deviation.
What went Wrong: Verbal
  • Did not check the meaning of the sentence.
  • Hypothetical subjunctive… So the use of ‘were’ instead of ‘was’.
  • Did not check the parallelism correctly.
  • Management is a singular word, so do not use ‘their’.
  • Most of the CR questions were wrong, need to look back to the CR strategy.
  • Most of the  RC questions were right this time, but took more time to read the passage, need a check at the reading time.
  • Completed last 10 questions in 10 minutes. 
PS: Learn Standard deviation, Divisibility rule and Probability, Need to check the Pace of reading in RC and check CR strategy.

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Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs [#permalink]
FROM Pro GMAT: Outch..It hurts..
It was a bad day again, or I would say a good day with some bad time.

I took my MGMAT #3 today and ended up with a hurtful Score. It was just.. just.. 550 (Q40, V27).  – 20 from the previous result.

A +2 for Quant but a -3 for Verbal. I am completely out of clue about the results. Initially I thought there is some problem with the software, but no. How can that happen!!

It was a disappointing score with a decrease in performance. May be I need some rest from continuous studies.

After review of few problems. I realised few mistakes in my strategy. I definitely need to clear those mistakes.

What went Wrong: Quant
  • In DS, solved the question for Statement A. When I did not get the answer, I ran-on to solve for both the statements, instead of solving it only for B.
  • Did not assumed values: When no value is given for variables, assume some values and plug them into the answer choices to get the correct answer.
  • Simplify the equations given.
  • Do not solve in mind. Put your thought equation on paper and then solve them.
  • +/- matters in square values not in cubes.
  • Small calculation mistake, changed my next question.
  • No time left for last 2-3 questions. Improve and do not spend more than 3 minutes on a question if you are stuck somewhere.
  • Need to learn Divisibility rules and Standard deviation.
What went Wrong: Verbal
  • Did not check the meaning of the sentence.
  • Hypothetical subjunctive… So the use of ‘were’ instead of ‘was’.
  • Did not check the parallelism correctly.
  • Management is a singular word, so do not use ‘their’.
  • Most of the CR questions were wrong, need to look back to the CR strategy.
  • Most of the  RC questions were right this time, but took more time to read the passage, need a check at the reading time.
  • Completed last 10 questions in 10 minutes. 
PS: Learn Standard deviation, Divisibility rule and Probability, Need to check the Pace of reading in RC and check CR strategy.

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Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs [#permalink]
FROM Naija MBA Gal: Stepping away from it all
One of my strengths also happens to be one of my major weaknesses (I know this sounds cheesy and everybody advises you not to use that line during your interview but it is true). Let me explain: I have never met a problem I could not solve – which is good. I may not be the smartest, […]
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Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs [#permalink]
FROM Grant Me Admission: Changing my Game Plan
  It’s only been almost 1 week since my last post! So sorry, between my insane work schedule, my final GMAT studying, finalizing my Harvard app,…
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FROM Pro GMAT: Drinks Break on Marathon
Last 3-4 weeks are going like running in a marathon. Consuming every possible information and saving it to the infinite TB of my brain. My hard-disk is revolving like Shaktimaan(an indian superhero). I have taken my CAT exams in past few days but I did not get any +ve results, just because I am studying break-free since last 2-3 weeks. Gotcha!!

I need a break…. Definately.

Time to shift focus from GMAT hard-core studies to resume preparation and University research work. I believe that will help me out (somehow).

Today, I revised complete Number theory. I found GMAT Club Math book a very good resource for revision purpose. I will be keeping it on my desktop for next 2 weeks. I learned a few new techniques in Fractions and others, I hope they will click in my mind during the Armageddon.

Well after some brainstorming or i would say storming-brain, it was not possible to sit and break the head on computer screen. Obviously I was in an urgent need to have rest and consume some fresh air. I went for an evening run of 2 KM and had juice after that, that was a feeling like WOW. And filled me with a new energy. That gave a thought to start my resume preparation. I was looking for few resources and found some of them as follows:

I have to dig out things out of these to create my resume. Will be sharing more details soon.

Stay Strong!! Keep rocking!!  ;)

Filed under: General Post, Preparation Tagged: Accepted, Analysis, GMAT, GMATClub, Guide, Inspiration, Journey, Preparation, StacyBlackman, Study
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Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs [#permalink]
FROM Grant Me Admission: How to Add 40 Points to Your GMAT
*None of the following information has been backed up by the GMAC With little less than 2 weeks until my test, I recently was able to…
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Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs [#permalink]
FROM Pro GMAT: bRainStorming
It was a cool rainy day, with more to accomplish less to relinquish.

Yesterday I focused on Number theory and some info on resume. Find it here. Moving forward, today I focused on some basics of Quant and Verbal.

I did some basics review of Factorials, Absolute Values and Algebra Equations.  The formula of the day was to get the number of trailing 0’s in a product or in a factorial. It was nice to learn that new formula. You can get it here.

I solved some Reading Comprehension problems also. Learned how to identify the wrong answers. It is a good technique. The most useful is to make your skeleton of RC of argument and then identify the question type. That will save much of your time.

I also checked my CR strategy giving a quick look at the Manhattan CR Guide.

In my last Manhattan CAT, the wrong answers from CR were:

  • Describe the Role (1/1)
  • Draw a Conclusion (3/3)
  • Evaluate the Argument (1/1)
  • Explain the Discrepancy (1/2)
  • Find the Assumption (1/1)
  • Provide an Example (1/1)
  • Strengthen the Argument (1/2)
  • Weaken the Argument (1/3)
Yes, it was shocking but this score forced me to learn CR with a fresh mind. Now I am feeling more equipped with CR.

During some research I found one software called MyTimeline. It is a very nice software to keep track of all the current and future events as a timeline.

Apart for GMAT, I researched for some University list too. I will be sharing  it soon.

Filed under: Preparation Tagged: Analysis, GMATClub, Journey, Manhattan, MBA, Preparation, Quant, Study, Verbal
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Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs [#permalink]
FROM Pro GMAT: Drinks Break on Marathon
Last 3-4 weeks are going like running in a marathon. Consuming every possible information and saving it to the infinite TB of my brain. My hard-disk is revolving like Shaktimaan(an indian superhero). I have taken my CAT exams in past few days but I did not get any +ve results, just because I am studying break-free since last 2-3 weeks. Gotcha!!

I need a break…. Definately.

Time to shift focus from GMAT hard-core studies to resume preparation and University research work. I believe that will help me out (somehow).

Today, I revised complete Number theory. I found GMAT Club Math book a very good resource for revision purpose. I will be keeping it on my desktop for next 2 weeks. I learned a few new techniques in Fractions and others, I hope they will click in my mind during the Armageddon.

Well after some brainstorming or i would say storming-brain, it was not possible to sit and break the head on computer screen. Obviously I was in an urgent need to have rest and consume some fresh air. I went for an evening run of 2 KM and had juice after that, that was a feeling like WOW. And filled me with a new energy. That gave a thought to start my resume preparation. I was looking for few resources and found some of them as follows:

I have to dig out things out of these to create my resume. Will be sharing more details soon.

Stay Strong!! Keep rocking!!  ;)

Filed under: General Post, Preparation Tagged: Accepted, Analysis, GMAT, GMATClub, Guide, Inspiration, Journey, Preparation, StacyBlackman, Study
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Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs [#permalink]
FROM Pro GMAT: bRainStorming
It was a cool rainy day, with more to accomplish less to relinquish.

Yesterday I focused on Number theory and some info on resume. Find it here. Moving forward, today I focused on some basics of Quant and Verbal.

I did some basics review of Factorials, Absolute Values and Algebra Equations.  The formula of the day was to get the number of trailing 0’s in a product or in a factorial. It was nice to learn that new formula. You can get it here.

I solved some Reading Comprehension problems also. Learned how to identify the wrong answers. It is a good technique. The most useful is to make your skeleton of RC of argument and then identify the question type. That will save much of your time.

I also checked my CR strategy giving a quick look at the Manhattan CR Guide.

In my last Manhattan CAT, the wrong answers from CR were:

  • Describe the Role (1/1)
  • Draw a Conclusion (3/3)
  • Evaluate the Argument (1/1)
  • Explain the Discrepancy (1/2)
  • Find the Assumption (1/1)
  • Provide an Example (1/1)
  • Strengthen the Argument (1/2)
  • Weaken the Argument (1/3)
Yes, it was shocking but this score forced me to learn CR with a fresh mind. Now I am feeling more equipped with CR. :)

During some research I was thinking that, how will it be to check your complete journey and schedule on a single timeline. Then I found this software called MyTimeline. It is a very nice software to keep track of all the current and future events as a timeline. You can even set the remainders for tasks. It helps to check your past, current and future tasks on a single window.

Apart from GMAT, I researched for some University list too. I will be sharing  it soon.

Filed under: Preparation Tagged: Analysis, GMATClub, Journey, Manhattan, MBA, Preparation, Quant, Study, Verbal
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Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs [#permalink]
FROM LTN99: Prep time!
This is exactly how I feel when people from GMATClub and Veritas read a question, find the answer, and keep their focus on learning the concept!

And then there is I, who just doesn't seem to get what on Earth is going on in the question!

Trucking on!
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Re: Directory of MBA Applicant Blogs [#permalink]
FROM Defying Gravity - The MBA Journey: FOMO is real
Classes haven't even started yet, and I'm already experiencing FOMO.

The number of events that I've already received invites for is mind-boggling. Should I go on that Cape Cod retreat, attend the Gatsby party, Color Block party, cocktails and networking event, yacht day, dinner with ECs, etc???... oh yeah, and at some point between those events, I'll also need to read a bunch of cases, be prepared to be cold-called, familiarize myself with campus, try to meet new people, and get re-adjusted to living with a roommate.

Holy crap, this year is going to be crazy...and amazing... but definitely crazy.

So anyway, I'm learning that HBS is a very social place. Last year, when researching MBA programs, I heard so much about the fun activities and parties that pervade Kellogg and the friendliness of students at programs like Tuck and Fuqua. HBS was designated as the uber competitive, suit-wearing "bro." But, so far at least, I haven't experienced that at all. Everyone I've met has been super supportive and down to earth. We'll see what happens once classes start, but I'm feeling very happy about my decision to matriculate here.
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FROM The MBA Journey of an African Doctor: A Painful Deferral…
I was all set.

My UK Visa was ready for the orientation week in London in the second week of September. I had paid the second instalment of the tuition. I was pumped. I had finished reading Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Good to Great by Jim Collins, the recommended readings by London Business School EMBA. I was ready.

Then my employer said “No Knight, we cannot release you at this time! We have so much to do at this time and you are going to be needed for some of these things over the next fifteen months”. It was heartbreaking. My first reaction was to resign my position, but my employer saw this coming. They gave me a raise, and then promised another promotion next year. The honorable thing to do was to defer. This is not the time to burn bridges.

Thankfully I had just finished reading Flow. Now I understand. When you have an obstacle, you can either take it out of the way or look at the big picture and work around the obstacles. Apparently, while I may not have started business schools, it looks as if I have started learning. I could use the next one year to read more of the recommended books, and also get to improve revenue streams for my side business. This will also expose me to some new perspectives that will help me enrich the class when I actually start.

Although the painful this is that I am going to lose the scholarship. But I have been assured that I can reapply next year, but who knows if I will be able to win it again? As they say, thunder does not strike twice in one place.

After all, the pay rise should be able to more than make up for the lost scholarship in the next one year.

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