Has anyone done the Emory video essay? What questions are asked?
is this the same as KIRA assessment?
I also see the following as part of the Emory application
Telling our story in the written essays is an important part of the application process, but we also want to hear you tell some of your story. The video essay lets every candidate talk to the Admissions Committee and we enjoy getting to know you through the "cocktail" questions.
Video Essay instructions and helpful tips:
You may experience issues using iPadOS or iOS devices.
Preferred browsers are Chrome, Firefox, and Opera
You will be prompted to start the video essay process by first testing your equipment (video and sound). See below for the Red Button that Says “Start Test”.
Proceed through the testing steps. Once you have acknowledged that you have thoroughly tested your equipment you will be prompted to proceed with the process of actually recording your video essay.
The system will display a question for you to answer. You will have 30 seconds to gather your thoughts and prepare your answer. There will be a visual timer countdown on the screen.
You will then have up to 60 seconds to respond with your answer to the video essay. You may use the entire 60 seconds or stop the recording when you have sufficiently answered the question. There will be a visual timer countdown on the screen.
When your recording is stopped you may review your recording. If you are satisfied with your video essay recording, you may proceed to the next page of the application. If you would like to record the video essay again, you may.
The system will allow you 3 opportunities to record your video essay. However, each opportunity could present a different question.
After 3 attempts at recording your video essay, you will not be given the opportunity to record again.
You will see a message that reads “We have successfully received your video submission.” after you have recorded your video essay.
Important notes to remember as you begin:
You will have up to 3 attempts to record a video essay.
A different question may appear with each attempt.
You will have 30 seconds to prepare your answer to the question on the screen.
You will have up to 60 seconds to respond to the essay question while recording.
Has anyone done the Emory video essay? What questions are asked?
Some questions from the previous year
Video essay prompts 1. what book do you like and why? 2. What is your fav song and why? 3. If you had to live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
My Video essay Prompt:-
Of Goizueta Business School’s Core Values (Courage, Integrity, Accountability, Rigor, Diversity, Team, Community), which one resonates the most with you and why?
"Why did you choose your undergrad major?"
Tell us a time you were challenged by a coworker. How did you handle the situation?
1. what book do you like and why? 2. What is your fav song and why? 3. If you had to live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?