breatheanddoit - here is the review
QUES) The following appeared in an Avia Airlines departmental memorandum:
“On average, 9 out of every 1,000 passengers who traveled on Avia Airlines last year filed
a complaint about our baggage-handling procedures. This means that although some 1
percent of our passengers were unhappy with those procedures, the overwhelming
majority were quite satisfied with them; thus it would appear that a review of the
procedures is not important to our goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia’s
Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.
ANS) The argument concludes that, a review of the airline’s baggage-handling procedures will not further its goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia’s passengers. This conclusion is based on certain assumptions for which no reasoning has been provided. Hence, the argument is weak and has several flaws.
Firstly, the argument falsely assumes
that, 1 percent of passengers who
travelled on Avia Airlines
are the complete set of customers who were dissatisfied about the
Airlines baggage-handling procedure. However, the author provides no evidence to support this assumption. This makes the argument far-fetched since, there exists a possibility that the other 99 percent could’ve been displeased with the baggage-handling procedure, but never report it. In order to build a stronger argument, the author could’ve provided evidence pointing towards the 99 percent of customers being satisfied with the service.
Secondly, the author fails to mention how
grieve the 1 percent complaints are, with respect to the company and its competitors. For instance, if
its competitor has 100 ( say a 100) percent satisfaction rate, the customers might switch to another airline. Moreover, the author merely mentions the rate of complaints for the whole of last year but fails to shed light on several other key factors. For instance, how many total passengers were served and how many total flights. This information is of key importance
since, it is possible that Avia received as many as 4 or 5 complaints per flight. The argument could’ve been stronger, had the above mentioned ambiguous statistics had been provided.
Lastly, the author falsely assumes
that, there exists a high positive correlation between their primary goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia’s passengers and the satisfaction with the baggage-handling procedures. There could be various other
various that might affect the consumers(put an apostrophe as consumers'") preference towards Avian. For instance, a
priceconscious( hyphenate as price-conscicus) consumer might be looking for
a cheaper flights, ( a cheaper flight) a vegan customer might consider the quality of meal to be primary importance so on and so forth. This argument could’ve been built stronger had the author conducted
a market research and provided relevant data pointing towards its target audiences( put an apostrophe as audiences') priorities, (add here) he could have built the argument stronger.
In conclusion, in order to assess the merits of the situation provided, one must be provided with accurate data about all factors related to it. Had the author conducted
a market research and cited evidence for its claims, the argument would have been stronger.
1. that, ---there is no need to put a comma after that. --- Grammar error.-Gr
2. say the company's goals rather than simply 'its'. 'Its' may be mistaken for the argument's or the review's goals -- Gr
3. is based-- is passive. make it as ' The author has based the conclusion on certain assumptions and has failed to provide any reasoning --- style error(style)
4. who travelled on Avia Airlines are the complete set of customers who ---Remove this part and read with the rest.-- wordiness
You can also use the American spelling 'traveled"
5. assumes that, --no need for a comma after that. -- Gr
6. since, --- no need for a comma after since - Gr
7. procedure - no need for a comma before but since there is no clause after the 'fanboys' -Gr
8. could have been and never report. Since the whole report is about a particular year's past happening, we must use past tense as in 'were displeased' and 'reported - G
9. could’ve been displeased-- abbreviations -- style
10. could've --- abbreviations --style
11. Customers being -- being is wrong as it is modifying customers -- make it as 'customers who were'-- Gr
12. grieve - say grievous -Gr
13. one must be provided is a passive voice; say the author must provide.-style
14. Lastly the author falsely assumes-- You are repeating this phrase ---style
15. could be various other various--- various other various is a typo I suppose. Probably you meant various other variables --- Gr
16. Had the author conducted a market research --This is a repetition. ---style
17. the argument would have been stronger ---say the author would have strengthened the argument immensely. -- Passive - style
18. -- A market research ---A noun like 'research' is not countable A market research is not correct. simply say market research.---Gr.
General observations ---.
1. The construction and content are generally okay.
2. There is a tendency to use abbreviations often. This is 100% wrong in written language.
3. Please avoid passive voice when you can use an active voice.
4. In complex sentences, one should avoid using a comma before the start of the subordinate clause, if you place it at the end because there is no IC after the comma. If, however, the main clause falls at the end, one must use a comma before it because you are going to start an IC after the comma.
5. Avoid verbal repetitions of expressions. They instantly reveal a striking lack of variety.
6. practice writing the essay on a word-pad or a note pad. ( general suggestion)
Best wishes