Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

AdityaHongunti owns 995 Kudos, gave away 632 Kudos.

piyatiwariRe: Northeastern University 2013-Calling all applicants18-Apr-2020
scarletaRe: Calling all Katz (Pittsburgh) MBA Applicants: 2020 Intake23-Feb-2020
BunuelA motorboat went down the river for 14 km and then up the river for 909-Jan-2020
ScottTargetTestPrepRe: What is the value of 1/2 + 2/3 + 3/4 + 4/5 + 5/6 ?08-Jan-2020
ankitranjanFind the sum of all the four digit numbers formed using the08-Jan-2020
ankitranjanRe: Find the sum of all the four digit numbers formed using the08-Jan-2020
BunuelRe: The addition problem above shows four of the 24 different integers tha08-Jan-2020
mikemcgarryRe: On any given day, the probability that Bob will have breakfast is more17-Dec-2019
ScottTargetTestPrepThe probability that event M will not occur is 0.8 and the probability16-Dec-2019
BunuelThe probability that event M will not occur is 0.8 and the probability16-Dec-2019
kreel11Advice for booking gmat date28-Nov-2019
KarishmaBRe: Sum of even numbers16-Nov-2019
kinjiGCRe: If the proposed expenditures for gathering information abroad are redu15-Nov-2019
topmbaseekerThe growth of the railroads led to the abolition of local times, which02-Nov-2019
gmatt1476Re: Since 1978 when the copyright law was changed, books that are less tha29-Oct-2019
chetan2uRe: Professors at the college, many of whom have tenure, argue that the27-Oct-2019
generisGriffith‘s cameraman Bitzer was a mechanical wizard, and what skill13-Oct-2019
BunuelA moderately large city is redesigning its central downtown area and07-Oct-2019
aragonnThe British scientific community was surprised when a five-millimeter06-Oct-2019
generisDorothy Parker's fiery personality was often mirrored in her caustic21-Sep-2019
generisTo achieve reasonable statistical confidence in the results of15-Sep-2019
generisRe: With the discovery of the new species there has been a large number o18-Aug-2019
generisRe: In 1929 relatively small declines in the market ruined many speculator16-Aug-2019
rishab0507Re: Company Spokesperson: Charges that our corporation has discriminated a08-Aug-2019
AshutoshBIf Skiffs book is published this year, Professor Nguyen25-Jul-2019
generisResearch shows that when people work with a positive mind-set, perform20-Jul-2019
notwithstandingIn an experiment, each volunteer was allowed to choose between an easy14-Mar-2019
joemama142000Exposure to certain chemicals commonly used in elementary schools as14-Mar-2019
DisciplinedPrepRe: Plane symmetry refers to the symmetry of a pattern in the Euclidean pl12-Mar-2019

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