Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

Badari owns 72 Kudos, gave away 166 Kudos.

VeritasPrepBrianRe: Generally scientists enter their field with the goal of doing importan27-Oct-2021
abhimahnaRe: To prevent some conflicts of interest, Congress could prohibit high-le21-Oct-2021
GMATNinjaRe: Economist: Paying extra for fair-trade coffeecoffee labeled with the16-Oct-2021
anairamitch1804Re: Many leadership theories have provided evidence that leaders affect14-Oct-2021
ChiranjeevSinghRe: Images from ground-based telescopes are invariably distorted by the04-Sep-2021
MartyTargetTestPrepRe: Aphasia, an impairment of the capacity to use29-Jun-2021
GMATRockstarRe: Astronomer: Most stars are born in groups of thousands, each star08-Jun-2021
KarishmaBRe: Many small roads do not have painted markings along their edges. Clear01-Jun-2021
GMATRockstarRe: The percentage of households with an annual income of more than $40,0003-Apr-2021
bM22Re: Large amounts of moisture and darkness create ideal conditions in31-May-2020
Sajjad1994In an experiment, researchers posed simple questions in geometry to12-Apr-2020
Sajjad1994During the Summer Fitness Challenge, 27 individuals entered the contes12-Apr-2020
Sajjad1994At XYZ Inc., an employee receives a verbal warning upon accumulating12-Apr-2020
Sajjad1994Professor A: The aid industry should begin to limit its efforts to12-Apr-2020
BunuelIf a^2 + b^2 = 25, x^2 + y^2 = 169 and ax + by = 65. If k = ay - bx, t11-Apr-2020
GMATinsightA tank is emptied everyday at a fixed time point. Immediately thereaft11-Apr-2020
GMATinsightRe: How many perfect squares are there in the below set? [1^1, 2^2, 3^3, 411-Apr-2020
EMPOWERgmatRichCRe: For the set {2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, x}, which of the following values11-Apr-2020
SaGaRe: If m and n are positive integers, is m + n divisible by 4 ?10-Apr-2020
VerculesThe Republic of Krovanias development authority is planning to develo06-Apr-2020
avi2crackgmatAlice leaves the Malefeco Corporation building and travels due east fo06-Apr-2020
axsRe: Based on the information below and the fact that a typical customer fo05-Apr-2020
KarishmaBRe: Machines A and B, working together, take t minutes to comple04-Apr-2020
mkjabcIncreased revenue at Company A is due to its high quality products, no18-Mar-2018
prathnsFinally Done : GMAT 1: 500 to GMAT 2 : 640 in a month!23-Apr-2017
ashurocks17From 460 to 74013-Apr-2017
bb"Ultimate" Study Plan for Verbal on the GMAT12-Apr-2017
souvik101990How to go to V40 from V3012-Apr-2017
gurpreetsinghFor all those who fear from Verbal- lets give it a fight12-Apr-2017

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