Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

Braintree owns 129 Kudos, gave away 243 Kudos.

Bull78The javelin has a sharp point, which is more obviously dangerous than09-Jul-2024
sv2023Chat post28-Jan-2023
bbRe: Simon (65%) vs scheller (50%) VS Emory (50%) vs Johnson27-Jan-2023
SivatorneMy GMAT Journey: All 8 times!!27-Jan-2023
MartyTargetTestPrepMy GMAT Journey: All 8 times!!27-Jan-2023
gmatophobiaMy GMAT Journey: All 8 times!!27-Jan-2023
BunuelBest Of The Best Of 2022: QUANTITATIVE20-Jan-2023
BunuelBest Of The Best Of 2022: VERBAL19-Jan-2023
MamtaKrishniaSurveys show that every year only 10 percent of cigarette smokers swit13-Jan-2023
leeye84Unlike most warbler species, the male and female blue-winged wa13-Jan-2023
ttramThe Earth's rivers constantly carry dissolved salts into its oceans.13-Jan-2023
generisEconomist: Even with energy conservation efforts, current technologies13-Jan-2023
KarishmaBRe: Distressed by his own personal tragedies, the Roman philosopher Cicero13-Jan-2023
GMATIntensiveRe: Distressed by his own personal tragedies, the Roman philosopher Cicero13-Jan-2023
gmatt1476Distressed by his own personal tragedies, the Roman philosopher Cicero13-Jan-2023
vv65Biologist: Species with broad geographic ranges probably tend to endur13-Jan-2023
KarishmaBExports of United States wood pulp will rise considerably during this13-Jan-2023
marshpaExports of United States wood pulp will rise considerably during this13-Jan-2023
KarishmaBLinguist: In English, the past is described as behind and the future12-Jan-2023
KarishmaBRe: Cognitive scientist: Using the pioneering work of comparative psycholo12-Jan-2023
GMATNinjaRe: Cognitive scientist: Using the pioneering work of comparative psycholo12-Jan-2023
BunuelCognitive scientist: Using the pioneering work of comparative psycholo12-Jan-2023
KarishmaBNetworks of blood vessels in bats' wings serve only to disperse heat12-Jan-2023
GMATNinjaRe: A recent report determined that although only 3 percent of drivers on12-Jan-2023
GMATNinjaRe: The city of Workney, in raising bus fares from $1.00 to $1.25, propose12-Jan-2023

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