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Dishita9 owns 7 Kudos, gave away 133 Kudos.

prasannarFrom the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe abo22-Dec-2023
tronghieu1987Scientist: Cross-sections of stalactites-calcite formations deposited20-Dec-2023
GaussConcerned about financial well-being of its elderly citizens, the gove19-Dec-2023
Candice12Chat post08-Dec-2023
venkat2010Chat post08-Dec-2023
Ahad2023Chat post07-Dec-2023
jj0623Chat post07-Dec-2023
AbhishekanushiChat post06-Nov-2023
SandeepReddy26Chat post30-Oct-2023
Qazi700Chat post26-Oct-2023
gmathopeful786Chat post19-Oct-2023
bagdbmbae-GMAT's ALL SC topics-Consolidated16-Jul-2023
egmatList of free e-GMAT CR resources16-Jul-2023
tgmat21How to improve my accuracy on CR 700 level questions09-Jul-2023
LarbiWhat's the best way to improve SC accuracy09-Jul-2023
generisIn order to achieve self-sufficiency in electricity production the Has03-Jul-2023
shobhitkhThe fact that “dark matter” accounts for over 95 percent of the matter26-Apr-2023
techiesamStymieing the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army24-Apr-2023
akhil911Due to the slow-moving nature of tectonic plate movement24-Apr-2023
gmat1393An instrument of remarkable versatility, the organ emits tones that23-Apr-2023
BunuelDuring the latter stages of the insurrection, the revolution's leaders22-Apr-2023
BunuelThe United States' trade deficit with China rose in 2003 to $123 billi22-Apr-2023
BunuelThere may be more than a dozen boat parties in the Grand Canyon on a21-Apr-2023
arcticStudies of test scores show that watching television has a markedly19-Apr-2023
campus1995Denim jeans were originally worn not so much as a fashion statement as19-Apr-2023
akhil911The Western Jackdaw (Corvus monedula), sometimes known as the Eurasian17-Apr-2023
noboruFound throughout Central and South America, sloths hang from trees by16-Apr-2023
manugmat123The controversy has divided the Senate, caused strains in16-Apr-2023
XavierAlexanderAtul Gawande the former surgeon general in his book The Checklist16-Apr-2023
WinWinMBABy a vote of 9 to 0, the Supreme Court awarded the Central Intelligenc13-Apr-2023

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