Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

Edvento owns 236 Kudos, gave away 14 Kudos.

anujgupta10185in1.25 yrs prep 3 sleepless nights 2 failures & 1 Dream Score20-Sep-2013
HBSdeterminedRe: edvento - anyone heard of it? is it good?28-Aug-2013
hooglyI bet everyone agrees with me over the quality of content on10-Jan-2013
KyleWiddisonRe: Can a noun and a verb can become parallel?23-Oct-2012
MacFauzRe: What is the value of x?20-Oct-2012
souvik101990The Most Comprehensive Collection Of Everything Official- CR09-Oct-2012
BunuelRe: If x, y, and z are positive integers and 3x = 4y = 7z, then the least05-Oct-2012
aditi1903Re: Sleight of hand, also known as prestidigitation05-Oct-2012
EvaJagerRe: If there are 4 pairs of twins, and a committee will be30-Jul-2012
whiplash2411GMAT Prep SC Collection01-Jun-2012
BunuelRe: If y=−m^2, which of the following must be true?01-Jun-2012
macjasCR Questions- Summary of common question types01-Jun-2012
charlemagneBeginner's info on the new Integrated Reasoning Section24-Apr-2012
bbNew GMAT Prep Software Coming April (4th?)24-Apr-2012

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