Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

Ekland owns 1680 Kudos, gave away 342 Kudos.

effataraRe: Skier Lindsey Vonn completes a straight 300-meter downhill10-Apr-2023
Vips0000Re: Set S consists of 5 values, not necessarily in ascending09-Apr-2023
VorovskiRe: Set S consists of 5 values, not necessarily in ascending09-Apr-2023
FabiocafarelliRe: The 1996 Mid-sea Continent Journalist Tea Party Award winner, a certai08-Apr-2023
stevekeatingRe: The 1996 Mid-sea Continent Journalist Tea Party Award winner, a certai08-Apr-2023
Pmar2012Re: The measurements obtained for the interior dimensions of a07-Apr-2023
KyleWiddisonRe: Whales originated in the freshwater lakes and rivers of ancient - 215-Mar-2023
JeffTargetTestPrepRe: A certain list consists of 21 different numbers. If n is in15-Mar-2023
gmacforjyoabRe: If x, y and z are positive numbers, is z between x and y?15-Mar-2023
KarishmaBRe: The value of x is to be randomly selected from the integers06-Mar-2023
alpha_plus_gammaRe: pump--2520-Feb-2023
Ashishmathew01081987A pump started filling an empty pool with water and continue20-Feb-2023
BrentGMATPrepNowRe: In a certain mixture consisting of sugar and cinnamon, the ratio of th23-Jan-2023
ScottTargetTestPrepRe: If k = (n + 2)(n - 2), where n is an integer value greater19-Jan-2023
ScottTargetTestPrepRe: On a store counter are exactly two boxes containing only purple marble10-Jan-2023
Mavisdu1017Re: The present relationship between privilege and superiority has its roo28-May-2022
shasadouRe: A rabbit on a controlled diet is fed daily 300 grams of a09-May-2022
ExpertsGlobalRe: Schools to include for direct score report28-Apr-2022
AdmissionadoRe: Schools to include for direct score report27-Apr-2022
mohshuRe: Joe and Bill drove separate cars along the entire length of a certain25-Nov-2021
ccooleyRe: " Twice as many A as B " need clarification19-Nov-2021
rajatchopra1994Re: Two people, Adam and Ben are standing in a line to buy tickets, Adam i27-Jun-2021
bbLooks like a Q48 or Q49? [ADHD + Bipolar / Special Accommodations]15-Jun-2021
GmatiskingRe: 3 months of study and still 550 rather than 720!!27-Apr-2021
Archit3110Re: If n is a two-digit integer, how many different values of n allows n^316-Apr-2021
GMATinsightRe: If n is a two-digit integer, how many different values of n allows n^316-Apr-2021
Vamshi8411If n is a two digit integer and (0.3*0.009*0.000243)/(0.81)15-Apr-2021
jn30Sara is an avid lottery player. In the certain game she plays, she mus14-Apr-2021
NikhilRe: Calling all Degroote MBA Fulltime and Co-op Aspirants Fall 2021 intake13-Apr-2021
ScottTargetTestPrepRe: Which of the following could be the sum of 12 consecutive integers?05-Apr-2021

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