Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

Franzhel owns 58 Kudos, gave away 18 Kudos.

mikemcgarryThere are 500 cars on a sales lot, all of which have either two doors20-Feb-2020
mymba99In no other historical sighting did Halley's comet cause such a worldw20-Feb-2020
rohansherryScientists have observed large concentrations of heavy-metal deposits16-Feb-2020
souvik101990A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced11-Feb-2020
CareerGeekA milkman purchases milk at $5 per litre and mixes 4 litres10-Feb-2020
BunuelThe parallelogram shown has four sides of equal length. What is the05-Feb-2020
BunuelIn the figure above, point O is the center of the circle and OC = AC =05-Feb-2020
GMATNinjaRe: Building on civilizations that preceded them in coastal Peru, the Moch15-Jan-2020
GMATNinjaRe: The Rorschzch test is gaining new respect as a diagnostic tool because12-Jan-2020
Apt0810Re: Island Museum analyzes historical artifacts using one or more techniqu05-Jan-2020
daaghRe: Judge Lois Forer's study asks why do some litigants have a preferred29-Dec-2019
virtualanimosityA container has 3 liters of pure wine. 1 liter from the container is22-Dec-2019
ScottTargetTestPrepRe: In order to remain a member of a certain club, each member must sign18-Dec-2019
broilercIf b and c are constants for which the quadratic equation x^2+bx+c=016-Dec-2019
BunuelRe: If x and y are integer, what is the remainder when x^2 + y^213-Dec-2019
gmatpapaWhat is the tenth digit to the right of the decimal point11-Dec-2019
BunuelWhat is the twenty-third decimal to the right in the fraction 23/24?11-Dec-2019

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