Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

GMATGuruNY owns 3467 Kudos, gave away 9 Kudos.

KarishmaB8 litres of wine is drawn from a cask full of wine and is then filled30-Mar-2024
ash124Re: Each of many different human hormones can by itself raise the08-Feb-2022
GMATMBA5Re: Allen starts from X, goes to Y. At the same time Bob starts from Y and16-Sep-2021
avidddRe: If on the coordinate plane (6, 2) and (0, 6) are the endpoints of the10-Sep-2020
AndrewNRe: Market forecaster: The price of pecans is high when pecans are compara20-Apr-2020
kornnSC pronoun confusion.13-Feb-2020
Mo2menRe: Alicia had two containers. The first was 5/6 full of water and the sec21-Jan-2020
DmitryFarberRe: It is often said that high rates of inflation tend to diminish people30-Oct-2019

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