Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

Nipungupta9081 owns 270 Kudos, gave away 193 Kudos.

yashikaaggarwalChat post27-Dec-2022
souvik101990Four years to 760 - my journey28-Oct-2022
mojorising800Jon Clarks study of the effect of the modernization of a telephone ex25-Oct-2021
parkhydelAirline Representative: The percentage of flight delays caused by airl22-Oct-2021
MartyTargetTestPrepRe: How to reach V41 from V27.16-Sep-2021
GnpthEven though the overall consumer price index did not change in April,16-Sep-2021
daldilaimi530-Point GMAT Improvement (250 to 780) With the Help of TTP15-Sep-2021
MartyTargetTestPrepSuccess Formula for Achieving an 800 GMAT Score08-Sep-2021
MartyTargetTestPrepVerbal Prep Tip - Treat Every Verbal Choice as if It Were a Question08-Sep-2021
yashikaaggarwalMaster in Management/MSc Management Deadlines for Fall 202402-Sep-2021
got730butwant760How I went from 650 to 780 (Q49 V51) in 2 months FOR FREE01-Sep-2021
GMATNinjaRe: As criminal activity on the Internet becomes more and more sophisticat14-Aug-2021
abhimahnaAbhimahna's GMAT Story - Everything happens for a reason. :)08-Aug-2021
gcassisMy GMAT first attempt 710 Miracle.03-Aug-2021
chirag7Re: Deliberately imitating the technique of Louis Armstrong, jazz singer17-Jul-2021
ScottTargetTestPrepRe: TTP for Verbal?14-Jul-2021
pikolo2510My journey From 410 to 700 :-)12-Jul-2021
ChiranjeevSinghCJs Guidelines to Make the Most of GMAT Club14-Jun-2021
Aydv97GMAT 680 to 770 | Self-study guide | Key takeaways12-Jun-2021
Sajjad1994The Hardest GMAT Official RC Passages of all time02-Jun-2021
GMATNinjaGMAT Ninja’s Guide to Leisure Reading, Part 2: Fiction29-May-2021
Sajjad1994RC 1000 Series Complete Reading Comprehension Collection 2772 Q's27-May-2021
NarennMasters in Management Rankings - 202126-May-2021
aussieMBADebrief: 400 (Q26, V20) to 720 (Q49, V39) over 17 months12-May-2021
GMATNinjaStart Here For SC: GMAT Ninja's Sentence Correction Resources13-Apr-2021
MPOWERFinancingRe: Prodigy can not pay the approved loan12-Apr-2021
Sajjad1994Economist GMAT Tutor Reading Challenge06-Apr-2021
ARINGOChat post28-Feb-2021
ARINGOChat post28-Feb-2021
GMATNinjaGMAT Ninja’s Guide to Leisure Reading, Part 1: Nonfiction28-Feb-2021

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