Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

Stanindaw owns 48 Kudos, gave away 57 Kudos.

AndrewNRe: Political Advertisement: Mayor Delmont s critics complain20-Oct-2024
ananthpatriInstead of blaming an automobile accident on driver error, insurance c11-May-2024
BunuelCompared to a carnivore, an herbivore needs relatively few pounds of11-Feb-2024
GyanOneRe: Ask GyanOne MBA Admission Consultants - Top Bschool Applications22-Jan-2024
NakulDiwakar10Re: Looking for a Study Buddy? Sign up Here!02-Jan-2024
wejbawjbRe: Looking for a Study Buddy? Sign up Here!02-Jan-2024
matthew1Re: Practice test 1 or 2 days before GMAT a good idea?30-Nov-2023
BunuelRe: In Town X, 64 percent of the population are employed, and 4824-Oct-2023
chrtpmdrRe: A moderately large city is redesigning its central downtown area and05-Oct-2023
siddharthaggarwalRe: Store N gives a 50 percent discount on the list price of all its items13-Aug-2023
nightblade354Chat post08-Aug-2023
GmatKnightTutorRe: ESR evaluation07-Aug-2023
KarishmaBRe: It is illegal to advertise prescription medications in Hedland except30-Jul-2023
Flower_ChildChat post26-Jul-2023
poojaarora1818Chat post26-Jul-2023
nightblade354Chat post21-Jul-2023
bbRe: 25% Discount on GMAT Test Center Appointment - Book before 31 Jul 202318-Jul-2023
Bunuel(0.01)^2(0.014) + (0.01)(0.0026) =07-Jul-2023
vbetanabhatlaRe: If x is positive, which of the following could be correct ordering of04-Jul-2023
AG2907Chat post02-Jul-2023
divyadnaIn the most common procedure for harvesting forage crops such as alfal31-May-2023
ExpertsGlobal5Re: Setting a precedent that lasted more than a century,George26-May-2023
GMATNinjaRe: Employment costs rose 2.8 percent in the 12 months that ended in Septe26-May-2023
AndrewNRe: Estimated damages caused by Hurricane Katrina amounted to a sum of $8125-May-2023
ExpertsGlobal5Re: Just because King Alfred occupied and fortified London in 886 did not08-May-2023
ThePolarRe: V06-0406-May-2023
daaghRe: Outlining his strategy for nursing the troubled conglomerate back to15-Feb-2023
KarishmaBRe: Studies have shown that elderly people who practice a religion are muc11-Feb-2023
ChiranjeevSinghCountable and Uncountable nouns10-Feb-2023

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