Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

TheGriffin owns 27 Kudos, gave away 56 Kudos.

SamzayWarriorChat post29-Jan-2024
pia1318Chat post19-Jan-2024
AjiteshArunChat post08-Jan-2024
IshitalalChat post06-Jan-2024
NakulDiwakar10Chat post03-Jan-2024
bbRe: IT'S OFFICIAL - previous GMAT exam retires on January 31, 202411-Oct-2023
PeachSnapple1Re: TWO-YEAR JOURNEY TO A 740 GMAT, ALL SELF-STUDY10-Jun-2023
AkashdixitChat post06-Jun-2023
MartyTargetTestPrepRe: RC Speed + Accuracy (Verbal strategy)06-Jun-2023
GmatKnightTutorRC Speed + Accuracy (Verbal strategy)05-Jun-2023
bbRe: RC Speed + Accuracy (Verbal strategy)05-Jun-2023
GmatKnightTutorRe: Princeton Gmat free mock27-Mar-2023
carcassRe: GMAT RC22-Mar-2023
Sajjad1994Kale is a strong winter green thats increasingly finding its way to02-Jun-2022
Sajjad1994RC Butler 2022 | Practice 2 Passages Everyday29-May-2022
BunuelRe: If x and y are integers, is x > y?23-Sep-2021
neeleshpriRe: Just gave Gmat and scored 690 q48 v36. Need guidance.20-Aug-2021
WillGetItColorless diamonds can command high prices as gemstones. A type of30-Jul-2021
uditvashistRe: ESR report related analysis (Verbal)21-Jul-2021
singh36xRe: Pearson Mumbai GMAT - Aug/Sep no dates19-Jul-2021
EMPOWERgmatRichCRe: Pearson Mumbai GMAT - Aug/Sep no dates19-Jul-2021
AjiteshArunRe: Pearson Mumbai GMAT - Aug/Sep no dates19-Jul-2021
Anuragsharma93Re: Pearson Mumbai GMAT - Aug/Sep no dates19-Jul-2021
EMPOWERgmatRichCRe: Pearson Mumbai GMAT - Aug/Sep no dates18-Jul-2021
BunuelCritical Reasoning Butler: 2 Questions Every Day08-Jul-2021
Thelegend2631Re: Verbal Mock strategy07-Jul-2021
bbVerbal Mock strategy07-Jul-2021
JarvisRAround 1900, fishermen in the Chesapeake Bay area landed more than01-Jul-2021
Orange08How many odd integers are greater than the integer x and19-May-2021
BunuelIs xy > 0? (1) x - y > -2 (2) x - 2y < -619-May-2021

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