Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

Vetrick owns 57 Kudos, gave away 30 Kudos.

gary391Re: In the xy-plane, lines k and l intersect at the point (1,1). Is the y-14-Nov-2022
BunuelRe: THE X WHYS (1 why, 2 whys...5 whys etc ) THREAD in QUANTS13-Nov-2022
BunuelRe: Seven pieces of rope have an average (arithmetic mean) lengt08-Nov-2022
DienekesRe: In the xy-coordinate plane, which of the following points must lie on16-Oct-2022
bbGMAT Scores09-Oct-2022
BunuelRe: Sphere09-Oct-2022
KarishmaBRe: If x<0 and y>0 what will be the value of26-Sep-2022
KarishmaBRe: If the forest continues to disappear at its present pace, the koala wi26-Sep-2022
BunuelIf x is an integer, then x(x – 1)(x – k) must be evenly divisible by25-Sep-2022
Rabab36Re: 1.001 + 0.999996/1.002 =18-Sep-2022
carcassThe Official Guide for GMAT © 202221-Aug-2022
GMATinsightRe: If (5.55 )^x = (0.555)^y = 1000, then the value of 1/x 1/y is15-Dec-2021
MUTHUTECH08Re: Around 1900, fishermen in the Chesapeake Bay area landed more than10-Dec-2021
GMATVirtuoso(3.999999/2.001) - (3.999996/2.002) = ???29-Nov-2021
BunuelIf 3^m3^m3^m = 9^n, then m/n =16-Nov-2021
KarishmaBInequalities trick13-Oct-2021
chetan2uRe: Someone places a multiplication symbol between the second and third04-Oct-2021
BunuelRe: GMAT CLUB OLYMPICS: In a survey of an Olympic team members, 1/6th of02-Oct-2021
BunuelAre You Up For The Challenge?28-Sep-2021
BunuelIf N is the product of all multiples of 3 between 1 and 100, what is28-Sep-2021
BunuelRe: Find the number of trailing zeros in the product of (1^1)*(5^5)*(10^1028-Sep-2021
feruz77Find the number of trailing zeros in the product of (1^1)*(5^5)*(10^1028-Sep-2021
KarishmaBWhat is the remainder when the positive integer x is divided24-Sep-2021
KarishmaBIf x and y are positive numbers such that x + y = 1, which of the30-Aug-2021
EgmatQuantExpertMust Read Articles and Practice Questions to score Q51 !!!!29-Aug-2021
daviesjIf y^4 is divisible by 60, what is the minimum number of dis25-Aug-2021
DashingNightmare2Re: The largest positive integer by which the product of three consecutive25-Aug-2021

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