Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

aepmk owns 9 Kudos, gave away 34 Kudos.

MBAPrepCoachRe: Cornell EMBA Metro NY and Americas19-Jul-2024
BunuelRe: M16-2323-Feb-2024
zikoRe: If n is a positive integer and n^2 is divisible by 72, then the larges12-Feb-2024
LamboWalkerRe: Official guide gmat question bank book or pdf10-Jan-2024
bbIE business school different MB options11-May-2023
PersonalMBACoachRe: Oxford strategic management executive program|online07-Feb-2023
EMPOWERgmatVerbalRe: The nineteenth-century chemist Humphry Davy presented the results of11-Aug-2022
GnpthMany of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago, the mountainous12-Apr-2022
bigtooth81Defense attorneys have occasionally argued that their clients’ miscond31-Jan-2022
AliciaSierraRe: Herman Pontzer did the first ever comparative measurements11-Sep-2021
AdmissionadoRe: Do schools verify employer's revenue figures mentioned in application?09-Sep-2021
BunuelRe: Originating from the Greek myth that recounts the dramatic tale of Alc18-Jul-2021
bbRe: Gmat waiver for top B schools16-Jul-2021
Bambi2021Re: Since the end of the recently extended recession, prices for all of th10-Jul-2021
contagiousmeJourney to 730 in 75 days while working 45+ hours per week17-Dec-2020
AjiteshArunRe: Are medium questions weighted between 600 - 700 level ?17-Mar-2020
adityajaiswal-2647Re: Is "percentage" countable or uncountable?27-Feb-2020
henryfordRe: Will gmat contain questions repeated from OG guides ?26-Feb-2020
LOM19010Re: Will gmat contain questions repeated from OG guides ?26-Feb-2020
bbWill gmat contain questions repeated from OG guides ?26-Feb-2020
freedom128Re: If c ≠ 1, is ab = a + b? (1) a^2 + b^2 = 0 (2) a = a*c = b17-Feb-2020
ccooleyRe: Is the usage of “due to “ correct in the following sentences31-Jan-2020
daaghRe: Could you please let me know if this sentence has an error?03-Jan-2020
Abhi077Re: Could you please let me know if this sentence has an error?03-Jan-2020
LeadershipRe: Taking up a job that pays lesser than your current job17-Dec-2019
Skywalker18An increasing body of scientific research suggests that the overall he27-Jul-2019
egmatRe: Need advice- to improve time management and to apply concepts11-Dec-2018
Ashish1985680 to 750 - An adventurous Journey!22-Nov-2018

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