| Recipient | Post | Date |
| Masterscorp | Re: If a firm in a market with no entry or exit barriers raises its prices | 06-Sep-2022 |
| 100mitra | The article on the subject of Colombian drug lords published in | 06-Oct-2021 |
| Radhika11 | Re: Pablo Picasso, the late Spanish painter, credited African art with | 10-Sep-2021 |
| egmat | Re: Scientists have recently discovered what could be the largest and olde | 20-Nov-2020 |
| ishita27 | Chat post | 27-Oct-2020 |
| Pankaj0901 | Re: A turning point in United States labor history was reached when most | 17-Oct-2020 |
| carcass | In a numerical table with 10 rows and 10 columns, each entry is either | 10-Oct-2020 |
| Bunuel | What is the sum of the even integers from 100 to 300 inclusive? | 07-Oct-2020 |
| Bunuel | Re: A smartphone uses a four-digit passcode, like 0131. Sam wants to reset | 06-Oct-2020 |
| snkrhed | For any integers x and y, min(x, y) and max(x, y) denote the | 05-Oct-2020 |
| CareerGeek | Re: Set V consists of 2 distinct positive values. What is the standard dev | 28-Sep-2020 |
| buan15 | Re: The much-maligned royal family member, having come off a recent divorc | 27-Sep-2020 |
| GMATBusters | Re: What is the value of the two-digit number x? | 23-Sep-2020 |
| rajeshmodi2504 | | 22-Sep-2020 |
| maheshsrini | A new weight-loss drug causes the loss of body fat in all patients who | 14-Sep-2020 |
| KarishmaB | Re: A market research company surveyed users of the toothpaste industry's | 14-Sep-2020 |
| Harsh9676 | | 11-Sep-2020 |
| MathRevolution | | 11-Sep-2020 |
| Bunuel | If ax + b = 0, is x > 0 (1) a + b > 0 (2) a - b > 0 | 09-Sep-2020 |
| yashikaaggarwal | Re: A new skyscraper has 172 floors. Tom is in an elevator on the 169th | 28-Aug-2020 |
| sood1596 | | 24-Aug-2020 |
| Bunuel | Re: A certain bookcase has 2 shelves of books. On the upper | 10-Aug-2020 |
| generis | Paranthropus are a group of hominids that existed at the same time | 10-Aug-2020 |
| Gladiator59 | When an object is dropped, the number of feet N that it falls is given | 14-Jul-2020 |
| Bunuel | Re: Marla starts running around a circular track at the same time Nick sta | 09-Jul-2020 |