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pikolo2510 owns 755 Kudos, gave away 294 Kudos.

souvik101990Re: Calling all UWA Foster MBA Applicants: (2020 Intake) Class of 2022!08-Oct-2019
AdcomPgpmSpjimrSPJIMRs Post Graduate Program in Management (PGPM) 2019-2001-May-2019
adkikaniCalling all IIM Ahmedabad PGPX Applicants (2020 Intake; Class of 2021)29-Apr-2019
VerculesAldolase is a protein found in the brain. In an experiment, subjects21-Apr-2019
shadowfax1As criminal activity on the Internet becomes more and more sophisticat18-Apr-2019
egmatRe: Studies in restaurants show that the tips left by customers who pay th14-Apr-2019
egmatRe: A proposal has been made to trim the horns from rhinoceroses to discou14-Apr-2019
FistailThe Achaemenid empire of Persia reached the Indus Valley in the fifth09-Apr-2019
AjiteshArunRe: Despite entering the courthouse with police escort, the lead attorney09-Apr-2019
carcassA group of children of various ages was read stories in which people08-Apr-2019
generisRe: Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud, whose insights into the workings08-Apr-2019
Skyline393Despite the fact that the impact of Daylight Saving Time, at the onset07-Apr-2019
bsahilWhen ethnic groups intermarry, it is likely to result in cognitive ben07-Apr-2019
1BlackDiamond1Not unlike many birds' nests, the Musgum people of Cameroon build huts06-Apr-2019
AjiteshArunRe: As the etched lines on computer memory chips have become thinner and31-Mar-2019
rahul16singh28In the figure above, all the marked angles are some multiple of x24-Mar-2019
GMATNinjaRe: Kendrick: Governments that try to prevent cigarettes from23-Mar-2019
aragonnAccording to scientists at the American Museum of Natural History12-Feb-2019
nightblade354Re: Denoma, a major consumer-electronics maker, had a sizeable decline in13-Jan-2019
kt750If x and y are integer, what is the remainder when x^2 + y^210-Jan-2019
BunuelRe: NEW!!! Tough and tricky exponents and roots questions06-Jan-2019
generisThe domestic chinchilla is a diminutive creature especially as06-Jan-2019
Target760Critical Reasoning for Beginners11-Nov-2018
HatakekakashiRe: ISB 2019 Intake Class of 2020: Calling all applicants28-Oct-2018
GmatDaddyRe: ISB 2019 Intake Class of 2020: Calling all applicants08-Sep-2018
adkikaniCurrent IIM-A Students: Ask us anything.31-Aug-2018
ruwithrdxRe: Calling all IIM Ahmadabad PGPX Applicants (2019 Intake; Class of 2020)29-Aug-2018

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