Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

shashankism owns 624 Kudos, gave away 88 Kudos.

asaratchandraRecently, the research and development departments of major pharmaceut03-Apr-2019
GMATNinjaGMAT Ninja's CR Guide for Beginners22-Mar-2019
Ankita17Chat post30-Jan-2019
mikemcgarryOrganizers claimed that the rally for public health care drew close to23-Jan-2019
BunuelIf a and b are two-digit positive integers greater than 1017-Dec-2018
billionaireMBA in Asia Pacific Region + Average GMAT scores15-Dec-2018
billionaireMBA in Europe Average GMAT Scores + Ranges15-Dec-2018
billionaireMBA in Canada Average GMAT Scores15-Dec-2018
BunuelIf the quantity 5^2 + 5^4 + 5^6 is written as (a + b)(a b), in which03-Dec-2018
BillyZIn the last ten years, usage of pay phones in Bridgeport has dropped b11-Jun-2018
skimTwo years ago, the cost of the raw material used in a30-Apr-2018
Mahmud6Numbers p, q, r and s have 7, 16, 20 and 22 factors. Which of these co30-Apr-2018
sriharimurthyA man chooses an outfit from 3 different shirts, 2 different23-Apr-2018
Bunuel$ What is the probability that a 4-person committee chosen at random23-Apr-2018
KurtosisRe: In an election contested by two parties, Party D secured 12% of the to23-Apr-2018
BunuelIn an election contested by two parties, Party D secured 12% of the to23-Apr-2018
BunuelRank the following quantities in order, from smallest to biggest.22-Apr-2018
tarek99Women make up a larger proportion of workers in the information servic28-Feb-2018
AjiteshArunRe: MGMAT Typo's and incorrect answers28-Feb-2018
adkikaniHow to Stay calm during exam26-Feb-2018
BunuelRe: If |-x/3 + 1| < 2, which of the following must be true?03-Oct-2017
gmatdemolisher1234If |-x/3 + 1| < 2, which of the following must be true?03-Oct-2017
eladshushHow many 4 digit codes can be made, if each code can only contain03-Oct-2017

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