Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

shauryahanda owns 19 Kudos, gave away 107 Kudos.

ARK700Re: Calling all Rotman MBA Applicants: 2022 Intake [Class of 2024]06-Oct-2021
KarishmaBRe: The continental United States receives an average of 30 inches of16-Sep-2021
Sajjad1994Fairy tales address themselves to two communities, each with its own19-Aug-2021
AjiteshArunRe: Unlike mainstream American businesses, more than half of which fail06-Aug-2021
linkerThe average hourly wage of television assemblers in Vernland has long17-Jun-2021
Sajjad1994The table below summarizes cetacean sightings during the Mariana Islan08-Jun-2021
BunuelLinking arrangements among secondary schools and the workplace never08-Jun-2021
GMATNinjaRe: Even with the proposed budget cuts and new taxes and fees the city's07-Jun-2021
carouselambraRe: In the United States, less than half as many multifamily housing units07-Jun-2021
bbForum Quiz V3.0 - Adaptive Update26-May-2021
Sajjad1994In establishing economic policy, policymakers usually rely on preexist15-May-2021
GMATWhizTeamRe: Confusing Words in CR27-Apr-2021
bbRe: Sufficient and necessary condition doubt26-Apr-2021
GMATNinjaStart Here For SC: GMAT Ninja's Sentence Correction Resources26-Apr-2021
smmc29Re: Ielts30-Mar-2021
Sajjad1994Statement by Medical Residency Association president: Medical resident12-Mar-2021
jerrywuThe first trenches that were cut into a 500-acre site at Tell Hamoukar09-Mar-2021
Sajjad1994Re: In 1901, an assortment of artifacts was recovered from a 2,000-year-09-Mar-2021
daaghRe: Found only in the Western Hemisphere and surviving through extremes of08-Mar-2021
EducationAisleRe: Even in this age of conservation, cooking ranges that consume fossil26-Feb-2021
BKimballRe: Canadian scientists have calculated that one human being should be20-Feb-2021
TheKingInTheNorthA recent generation of historians of science, far from portraying acce17-Feb-2021
Sajjad1994Re: Previous hypotheses about the probable place of origin of the ancestor17-Feb-2021
bM22Re: A cause of fatal mining accidents was once the peculiar configuration16-Feb-2021
gmataspirant2009Consumers may not think of household cleaning products to be hazardous15-Feb-2021
KarishmaBRe: According to recent studies comparing the nutritional value of meat fr09-Feb-2021
Aditi10Some studies of how it was that Prussia resisted the wave of European09-Feb-2021
GMATNinjaRe: According to recent studies comparing the nutritional value of meat fr07-Feb-2021
mikemcgarryRe: According to recent studies comparing the nutritional value of meat fr06-Feb-2021

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