Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

vdhanuka owns 30 Kudos, gave away 6 Kudos.

faifai0714A company's two divisions performed with remarkable consistency over07-Jan-2024
nick13Ken bought a shirt at a price of D dollars, to which a sales tax of p26-Oct-2023
gmatbullIf 500 is the multiple of 100 that is closest to x and 400 is the mult13-Oct-2023
sayantanc2kRe: Laboratory rats and mice live up to 40% longer than usual when fed a08-Nov-2022
rohan2345Malcolm Xavier, an African American human rights activist in the 196017-Sep-2022
ArunimWhen the Apogee Company had all its operations in one location, it was28-Jul-2022

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