Kudos owned by the user

BALAGURU owns 20 Kudos, gave away 169 Kudos.

saurabhbajpaiRe: A and B enter a 300 metres competition in a 50 metre swimming pool. A12-Jul-2024
Aaryan21062002Re: Arguments abound over whether marijuana should be legalized. Many of09-Oct-2023
AshKrs5Re: A and B enter a 300 metres competition in a 50 metre swimming pool. A10-Feb-2022
deekshasantRe: Kunal takes ‘a’ days to complete a work while Sandeep takes ‘b’ less d09-Jan-2022
VeerapadmanabanRe: IIM Profile Evaluation - Tools for B-School Profile Evaluation06-Jan-2022
AshKrs5Re: Posthumous publication of works is often problematic since the writer06-Dec-2021
DvaishnavRe: How many rectangles can be formed by taking the four vertices of 18-si27-May-2021
vijkRe: IIM Profile Evaluation - Tools for B-School Profile Evaluation10-May-2021
NikhilRe: IIM Profile Evaluation - Tools for B-School Profile Evaluation10-May-2021
BOSESU01Fatalities in road accidents are typically directly proportional to th26-Apr-2021
itsarudolfRe: Posthumous publication of works is often problematic since the writer11-Mar-2021
Ssj30Re: How many rectangles can be formed by taking the four vertices of 18-si25-Sep-2020
Arindam14Re: Posthumous publication of works is often problematic since the writer21-Aug-2020
chris96Re: Posthumous publication of works is often problematic since the writer01-Aug-2020
akkaaRe: Posthumous publication of works is often problematic since the writer01-Aug-2020
GMAT0010Re: A and B enter a 300 metres competition in a 50 metre swimming pool. A29-May-2020
bbRe: Have a Suggestion? Post It Here18-May-2020
RhydRe: A and B enter a 300 metres competition in a 50 metre swimming pool. A16-May-2020
nick1816Re: 1+1/2+1/3+.....+1/16 is09-May-2020
nick1816Re: (1 + 2x + x^2)^4 can be expanded into a0 + a1x + a2x2 + ... + a8x8.07-May-2020

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