Kudos owned by the user

Gmat2Cracker owns 15 Kudos, gave away 84 Kudos.

3mrecanRe: The average (arithmetic mean) of 3 different positive integers is 10021-Nov-2024
rumitaRe: A swimming pool is full of water. Pump A takes 6 hours to empty the po14-May-2023
ramanankRe: A swimming pool is full of water. Pump A takes 6 hours to empty the po28-Jun-2022
AkakibedoidzeRe: The number of undergraduate degrees in engineering awarded by colleges15-Oct-2021
ashishkamalRe: The number of undergraduate degrees in engineering awarded by colleges04-Dec-2020
kajaldaryani46Re: If a pyramid has 4 vertices and 4 faces, how many edges does the pyram07-Oct-2020
vivapopoA digital wristwatch was set accurately at 8.30 am and then lost 2 sec28-Nov-2019
Pavel151Re: The average (arithmetic mean) of 3 different positive integers is 10007-Oct-2019
AniJainRe: If l1 || l2 in the figure above, what is the value of x?16-Sep-2019
generisRe: If a pyramid has 4 vertices and 4 faces, how many edges does the pyram08-May-2019
vishalthomasRe: If a pyramid has 4 vertices and 4 faces, how many edges does the pyram08-May-2019
EzequielLasVelezRe: Is the positive integer p a prime number?13-Dec-2018

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