| Giver | Post | Date |
| lucasettanni | Re: In the year-end clearance sale, a music system is discounted by d% | 27-Dec-2024 |
| MalachiKeti | | 18-Oct-2024 |
| shrimoyee | Re: a, b, c are three distinct integers from 2 to 10 (both inclusive) | 24-Sep-2024 |
| sashidar | Re: Magazine editor: I know that some of our regular advertisers have been | 10-Sep-2024 |
| bmsaqifansary | | 16-Feb-2024 |
| cwaintraub | Re: When 20% of a solution of milk and water is removed and replaced with | 11-Jan-2024 |
| Regor60 | Re: a, b, c are three distinct integers from 2 to 10 (both inclusive) | 17-Oct-2023 |
| olegr | Re: Scientists suspect that Europa, a moon orbiting Jupiter, may contain | 17-Jun-2023 |
| thesip2323 | | 30-Apr-2022 |
| EugeOchoc | Re: If c is a constant such that the system of equations given abov | 23-Mar-2022 |
| djankousorelle | | 17-Mar-2022 |
| pranay2704 | Re: The Mars Exploration Program established that the main scientific goal | 11-Nov-2021 |
| parida | | 25-Oct-2021 |
| Ayushi1597 | Re: a, b, c are three distinct integers from 2 to 10 (both inclusive) | 14-Oct-2021 |
| Sridhoni921 | Re: a, b, c are three distinct integers from 2 to 10 (both inclusive) | 12-Oct-2021 |
| Unknown_ | | 14-Aug-2021 |
| Fin27 | Re: Drug company manager: Our newest product is just not selling. One way | 13-Jun-2021 |
| ankita15196 | | 30-Mar-2021 |
| amanagr7898 | Re: The function of government is to satisfy the genuine wants of the mass | 03-Feb-2021 |
| Marcost | | 25-Jan-2021 |
| khoa123 | Re: In public Greek life, a man had to make his way at every step through | 06-Jan-2021 |
| CactusJack | | 06-Jan-2021 |
| chidori1404 | Re: D01-26 | 27-Dec-2020 |
| altairahmad | | 05-Dec-2020 |
| arunalexa | | 22-Nov-2020 |
| ABCDEFU | | 03-Nov-2020 |
| Tanu2394 | | 24-Oct-2020 |
| Rbn | | 15-Oct-2020 |
| nghiabui2012 | | 13-Oct-2020 |
| 121SAURABH121 | | 25-Sep-2020 |