Kudos owned by the user

Mick1005 owns 57 Kudos, gave away 156 Kudos.

helenserenaRe: In recent years, Western business managers have been heeding the16-Jul-2024
uCS2020Re: An extract of the plant Decalepis hamiltonii, which has proved helpful28-Oct-2023
Harsh6cRe: Is it possible to decrease inflation without causing a recession and i24-May-2023
vaibhavag64Re: ISB announces Cycle 3 (deadline Jan 15, 2019) for PGP admissions22-Jan-2023
12Aryan34Re: Insect-eating bats rely heavily on echolocation, a method of sensory p04-Nov-2022
RyanhuangfRe: In February 1995, Doris Schopper became president of the international19-Aug-2022
abhijay1234Re: Is it possible to decrease inflation without causing a recession and i18-Jul-2022
Kimberly77Re: What is the value of t^(-1)?02-May-2022
SahebaPRe: Calling all Wisconsin (Madison) MBA Applicants: 2020 Intake16-Nov-2021
ayushgmatclub1Re: Senator: Between 1950 and present, the number of women diagnosed with12-Aug-2021
Ashutosh019Re: The rate at which a road wears depends on various factors, including09-Jul-2021
suvabrataRe: Gen. Joseph Hooker initially seized the advantage at the Battle of Cha01-Jul-2021
jabdurakhmonovRe: Calling all Wisconsin (Madison) MBA Applicants: 2020 Intake11-Jun-2021
Shantanu267Re: Is it possible to decrease inflation without causing a recession and i21-Apr-2021
ArgpRe: Passengers must exit airplanes swiftly after accidents, since gases10-Jan-2021
Bala2020Re: Is it possible to decrease inflation without causing a recession and i09-Aug-2020
AbhishekDhanraJ72Re: In February 1995, Doris Schopper became president of the international29-Jul-2020
arun0412Re: Gen. Joseph Hooker initially seized the advantage at the Battle of Cha03-Jul-2020
vmkumarRe: Scientists are currently trying to determine the extent to which tecto01-Jun-2020
XavierAlexanderRe: Shawna and Jia worked together to paint a house. Combined they worked23-May-2020
YassiHASHMIRe: In recent years, Western business managers have been heeding the20-Apr-2020
pathik9880Re: Calling all Texas A&M (Mays) MBA Applicants (2019 Intake)Class of 202103-Mar-2020
thomaspeechattRe: Calling all Wisconsin (Madison) MBA Applicants: 2020 Intake20-Feb-2020
SlowMovingVanRe: Shawna and Jia worked together to paint a house. Combined they worked29-Jan-2020
ZulfikorRe: In the figure above, five semicircles are drawn on the number line. Wh23-Aug-2019
krishsaisreeRe: Insect-eating bats rely heavily on echolocation, a method of sensory p23-Jul-2019
Unknown_Re: In recent years, Western business managers have been heeding the19-Jun-2019
sawpyaeRe: A sequence of numbers is given by the rule an = (an – 1)^2. What is a523-Apr-2019
ArtVandaleyRe: Almost the whole of Yellowstone National Park is located in one of the28-Mar-2019
HatakekakashiRe: Calling all Mendoza (Notre Dame) Applicants 2yr & 1yr MBA: 2019 Intake18-Mar-2019

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