Kudos owned by the user

Nina1987 owns 66 Kudos, gave away 598 Kudos.

hphan047Most of Western music since the Renaissance has been based on a seven-20-Jan-2025
MaxsanchezzMost of Western music since the Renaissance has been based on a seven-08-Jan-2025
Yuganshi123The average of 13 numbers is 68. The average of the first 7 numbers is03-Dec-2024
Arsh001Most of Western music since the Renaissance has been based on a seven-22-Nov-2024
kdouglas92The average of 13 numbers is 68. The average of the first 7 numbers is21-Nov-2024
vadhanrThe average of 13 numbers is 68. The average of the first 7 numbers is19-Nov-2024
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ReadwanNabiThe average of 13 numbers is 68. The average of the first 7 numbers is14-Nov-2024
neha2912The average of 13 numbers is 68. The average of the first 7 numbers is14-Nov-2024
fredcfmartinsThe average of 13 numbers is 68. The average of the first 7 numbers is12-Nov-2024
YA_304If y = |||x| 3| x|| , how many values are possible for y=1? 1) 029-May-2024
creepyrockieIf y = |||x| 3| x|| , how many values are possible for y=1? 1) 004-Dec-2023
Francis21Most of Western music since the Renaissance has been based on a seven-09-Nov-2023
RishabhAwasthiThere are two boxes. One box contains six slips of papers numbered30-Sep-2023
Khk_BeastmodeRe: Yves can paint a certain fence in 1/2 the time it takes Marcel to pain18-Sep-2023
vipulduhoon77Most of Western music since the Renaissance has been based on a seven-07-Aug-2023
KratosgmatMost of Western music since the Renaissance has been based on a seven-12-Jul-2023
Regor60If y = |||x| 3| x|| , how many values are possible for y=1? 1) 019-May-2023
nimisha0809If y = |||x| 3| x|| , how many values are possible for y=1? 1) 009-May-2023
sau123321If y = |||x| 3| x|| , how many values are possible for y=1? 1) 008-May-2023
kwizzicalRe: If a town of 25,000 people is growing at a rate of approximately 105-May-2023
rorgiIf y = |||x| 3| x|| , how many values are possible for y=1? 1) 005-May-2023
Chanti20If y = |||x| 3| x|| , how many values are possible for y=1? 1) 024-Apr-2023
KhushiKKIf y = |||x| 3| x|| , how many values are possible for y=1? 1) 023-Apr-2023
RebazIf y = |||x| 3| x|| , how many values are possible for y=1? 1) 021-Apr-2023
jannat0718Most of Western music since the Renaissance has been based on a seven-06-Feb-2023
ccarrThe average of 13 numbers is 68. The average of the first 7 numbers is31-Oct-2022
BunuelRe: Nearly one in three subscribers to Financial Forecaster is a24-Oct-2022
nightblade354Re: Plant scientists have used genetic engineering on seeds to produce cro21-Oct-2022
BunuelRe: Among people who experience migraine headaches, some experience what19-Oct-2022

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