Kudos owned by the user

Nipungupta9081 owns 270 Kudos, gave away 193 Kudos.

fluffyhenRe: RC 1000 Series Complete Reading Comprehension Collection 2772 Q's05-Jan-2025
SilverAndMulberryRe: Some studies indicate that alcohol advertisements on television cause09-Dec-2024
BelisariusTirtoRe: It takes Carlos 9 minutes to drive from home to work at an average rat23-Nov-2024
SusmitRe: Complete 1000 GMAT Critical Reasoning Series (CR-1000 Series) Question19-Jun-2024
Feb2024Re: What is the median of all values of a, for which ax^2 5x + 2 = 0 has08-Jun-2024
Jayesh275Re: Complete 1000 GMAT Critical Reasoning Series (CR-1000 Series) Question20-Mar-2024
brunnelRe: Some studies indicate that alcohol advertisements on television cause12-Oct-2023
_MUF__In a group of 60 people, there are 35 doctors, and there are 41 people17-Sep-2023
closetooaChat post14-Sep-2023
kru_jimiRe: If a^b + b^a = 145 and a, b are positive integers, then how many such28-Aug-2023
sahilverma96The cosmic microwave background is a uniform 2.7 Kelvin radiation that03-Aug-2023
Biddut47Re: The sum of two positive integers is 156 and their highest common facto08-May-2023
realashketchum91Re: (81^3 - 27^3)/3^7 = ?23-Mar-2023
AdnaniRe: The pharmaceutical companies have announced new strategies to increase09-Feb-2023
bbINSEAD MiM 2022 Intake: Calling All Applicants30-Oct-2022
MajorOrangeINSEAD MiM 2022 Intake: Calling All Applicants21-Oct-2022
SuvanovRe: Which of the following is the approximation of17-Aug-2022
NDTTTRe: Re: Study buddy x India Target GMAT Date April 202209-Aug-2022
Augustb0210INSEAD MiM 2022 Intake: Calling All Applicants22-Jun-2022
TunnudeswalRe: Recent research shows that hyenas outperform chimps in solving problem05-Feb-2022
vkpatidar107The cosmic microwave background is a uniform 2.7 Kelvin radiation that05-Dec-2021
aymaneelkINSEAD MiM 2022 Intake: Calling All Applicants10-Oct-2021
parama09Re: Which of the following is the approximation of05-Oct-2021
NarennINSEAD MiM 2022 Intake: Calling All Applicants20-Sep-2021
lipikatiwariChat post27-Jul-2021
lipikatiwariChat post27-Jul-2021
lipikatiwariChat post27-Jul-2021

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