Kudos owned by the user

Nis20 owns 17 Kudos, gave away 159 Kudos.

jaydavidoRe: A certain harbor has docking stations along its west and south docks,25-Apr-2023
PreeeeeetikaRe: A certain harbor has docking stations along its west and south docks,30-Oct-2022
KushchokhaniRe: One of the most pressing concerns facing lawyers who have just graduat12-Apr-2022
lmike97Re: A certain harbor has docking stations along its west and south docks,11-Feb-2022
PrafulLataRe: One of the most pressing concerns facing lawyers who have just graduat06-Nov-2021
mcelroytutoringRe: Who is Bunuel?13-Oct-2021
romil666Stuck at a 600 plateau and need expert advice!09-Oct-2021
ktzsikkaChat post07-Oct-2021
admin Profile Bonus - 5 Kudos06-Oct-2021
ArthurWalterRe: What is the value of |x| x ? (1) x 0 (2) |x| > 025-Sep-2021
pkleoRe: What is the value of |x| x ? (1) x 0 (2) |x| > 007-Sep-2021
BunuelRe: What is the value of |x| x ? (1) x 0 (2) |x| > 007-Sep-2021

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