Kudos owned by the user

PReciSioN owns 35 Kudos, gave away 47 Kudos.

LukaT022Re: Train A started from Station X toward Station Y traveling at17-Jan-2025
mbakRe: Train A started from Station X toward Station Y traveling at08-Jan-2025
KavicogsciRe: The table gives information about the annual car show that a certain a21-Nov-2024
meehRe: The table gives information about the annual car show that a certain a20-Nov-2024
Sababa1561Re: Train A started from Station X toward Station Y traveling at08-Nov-2024
enirehtacgogogoRe: Increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere04-Nov-2024
mbaprepaviRe: ­In a study conducted over several years, seabird and domesticated cat18-Oct-2024
Diwen2000Re: ­Professor: One expert on Norse culture argues that since yarn13-Oct-2024
SergejKRe: A company makes bolts of only two sizes: small and large. Each small01-Sep-2024
BunuelRe: The graph shows three data sets from a 5-day weather forecast for a31-Aug-2024
Atharva15Re: ­A small business has just invested in a new piece of equipment.28-Aug-2024
alok77xRe: The majority of successful senior managers do not closely28-Aug-2024
Sid_JRe: The government of Nation X makes policy decisions intended to advance20-Aug-2024
himanshuladiaRe: The majority of successful senior managers do not closely10-Aug-2024
CarTick14Re: The government of Nation X makes policy decisions intended to advance26-Jul-2024
himankwadhwaRe: Train A started from Station X toward Station Y traveling at25-Jul-2024
busygmatbee1290Re: ­In a study conducted over several years, seabird and domesticated cat10-Jul-2024
karanbadaliaRe: M16-2307-Jul-2024
crackGmat96Re: Train A started from Station X toward Station Y traveling at22-Jun-2024
anshulmanchanda37Re: Train A started from Station X toward Station Y traveling at18-Jun-2024
MadhvendrasinhRe: Train A started from Station X toward Station Y traveling at11-Jun-2024
SidT1026Re: Train A started from Station X toward Station Y traveling at11-Jun-2024
GMATNinjaRe: Advertisement: When your car's engine is running at its normal25-Apr-2024
GMATNinjaRe: Tiger beetles are such fast runners that they can capture virtually an18-Apr-2024
GMATNinjaTwoRe: Advertisement: When your car's engine is running at its normal18-Apr-2024
GMATNinjaTwoRe: Tiger beetles are such fast runners that they can capture virtually an11-Apr-2024
Sajjad1994Re: Marco: Giant kangaroosone of several extinct species of large mammals04-Apr-2024
ErwinjspRe: M26-2329-Mar-2024
jaky_nguyenRe: ­In a study conducted over several years, seabird and domesticated cat12-Mar-2024

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