Kudos owned by the user

Suneha123 owns 13 Kudos, gave away 3 Kudos.

agrasanRe: By analyzing the garbage of a large number of average-sized households30-May-2024
Kimberly77Re: In order to increase revenues, an airport plans to change the parking22-Nov-2023
steckchaRe: In order to increase revenues, an airport plans to change the parking11-Apr-2023
kwizzicalIf xy > 0 and (x − 2)(y + 1) < 0, then which of the following must be13-Mar-2023
RajivranjansinghRe: A report that many apples contain a cancer-causing preservative called17-May-2021
warrior1991Set S contains 26 distinct natural numbers. When the elements are12-Sep-2020
rajupyarnakarioRe: A report that many apples contain a cancer-causing preservative called09-Sep-2020
021997Re: By analyzing the garbage of a large number of average-sized households02-Aug-2020
admin Profile Bonus - 5 Kudos19-May-2020

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