Kudos owned by the user

abhisingla owns 13 Kudos, gave away 5 Kudos.

Chets25Re: If lines y=mx+b and x=y+bm intersect at a degrees angle13-Aug-2017
Monisha2402Re: If lines y=mx+b and x=y+bm intersect at a degrees angle28-Apr-2017
Aspirant18Re: Carlson (Minnesota) Class of 2016 Calling all applicants22-Dec-2013
lahai1djRe: Cox (SMU) Class of 2016- Calling all applicants!13-Dec-2013
kunziRe: Cox (SMU) Class of 2016- Calling all applicants!12-Dec-2013
sridhar9504Re: Cox (SMU) Class of 2016- Calling all applicants!12-Dec-2013
sridhar9504Re: Cox (SMU) Class of 2016- Calling all applicants!28-Nov-2013
fergsonfireRe: Mendoza (Notre Dame) Class of 2016- Calling all applicants!14-Nov-2013
admin Profile Bonus - 5 Kudos30-Jul-2013

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