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av1901 owns 413 Kudos, gave away 83 Kudos.

FrisoB21Re: For what value of 'k' will the sum of the equation 27x^2 + (3k + 9)x -11-Dec-2024
MehidcykA fraction m/n is formed by randomly choosing integers for m and n suc04-Dec-2024
terameRe: Bunuel's Algebra PS Diagnostic Test03-Dec-2024
tujustuRe: Bunuel's Algebra PS Diagnostic Test02-Dec-2024
tujustuRe: Bunuel's Algebra PS Diagnostic Test02-Dec-2024
juannwong123Re: Bunuel's Algebra PS Diagnostic Test08-Nov-2024
sam170220Re: A coach has to form a team of 4 players out of 7 players. Amy and Bob24-Oct-2024
Ale03Re: There are two different scales, the X-scale and the Y-scale; they are12-Oct-2024
ArthurGrandoRe: If r > 0, then (0.25r^6)^(1/2) =01-Oct-2024
saitama2024Re: A cloth merchant professes to sell at a loss of 9%. However, the merch30-Sep-2024
lionx7If 1/(2^11)(5^17) is expressed as a terminating decimal, how many22-Sep-2024
Odhi2020Re: A group of 20 friends went out for lunch. Five of them spent $21 each10-Sep-2024
abhipremRe: Bunuel's Algebra PS Diagnostic Test09-Sep-2024
abhipremRe: Bunuel's Algebra PS Diagnostic Test09-Sep-2024
KeismithRe: Bunuel's Algebra PS Diagnostic Test26-Aug-2024
arzannrThere are 4 different colored flags. By arranging these flags in a row22-Aug-2024
thomas1307200Re: A merchant offers a 30% discount on her list price but still manages21-Aug-2024
mcreaThere are 4 different colored flags. By arranging these flags in a row21-Aug-2024
HecaresRe: Calling all Harvard MBA Applicants: 2023 Intake Class of 202518-Aug-2024
aasimrajRe: Bunuel's Algebra PS Diagnostic Test18-Aug-2024
aayushgaurFor two full weeks, Karen studied every day for her big test. On weekd13-Aug-2024
Rod728Re: Bunuel's Algebra PS Diagnostic Test27-Jul-2024
Rod728Re: Bunuel's Algebra PS Diagnostic Test27-Jul-2024
Rod728Re: Bunuel's Algebra PS Diagnostic Test27-Jul-2024
KavsurendranIs the integer n even ? (1) n^2 - 1 is odd (2) n^(1/2) is an integer25-Jul-2024
sahilsahhWhen we roll three 6-sided dice, what is the probability that the sum05-Jul-2024
hsdhaliwalRe: For what value of 'k' will the sum of the equation 27x^2 + (3k + 9)x -13-May-2024
RokrrishiRe: Bunuel's Algebra PS Diagnostic Test06-May-2024
RokrrishiRe: Bunuel's Algebra PS Diagnostic Test06-May-2024
RokrrishiRe: Bunuel's Algebra PS Diagnostic Test06-May-2024

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