Kudos owned by the user

cigarboy owns 10 Kudos, gave away 368 Kudos.

KaifbinarshadRe: Though an echo is a fairly simple acoustic phenomenona reflection of08-Jan-2025
angrishkabirRe: The velocity, V feet per second, of a model rocket t seconds after16-Dec-2024
MBAclubRe: Homers The Odyssey is an epic poem putting a popular oral myth into w09-Nov-2024
biditaRe: Homers The Odyssey is an epic poem putting a popular oral myth into w30-Oct-2024
Pradeepsix6Re: Homers The Odyssey is an epic poem putting a popular oral myth into w09-Jan-2024
BunuelRe: Ethics dumping is defined as the practice in which researchers, from01-Oct-2023
Sajjad1994Re: Martin Haberman pulls no punches in his scathing critique of the insen27-Sep-2023
Sajjad1994Re: Though an echo is a fairly simple acoustic phenomenona reflection of27-Sep-2023
Sajjad1994Re: Homers The Odyssey is an epic poem putting a popular oral myth into w26-Sep-2023
BunuelRe: Anny Chross is a known detective novelist. Having noticed a survey11-Sep-2023

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