Kudos owned by the user

naveenhv owns 227 Kudos, gave away 5 Kudos.

AnirudhGazRe: The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is07-Jan-2025
goldbloodedRe: The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is31-Dec-2024
MehediHasan97When n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full22-Nov-2024
JaneyjnyyWhen n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full07-Oct-2024
LanaLanaRedPJWhen n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full04-Oct-2024
valerie_milleniaWhen n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full29-Sep-2024
MyNameisFritzRe: The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is22-Sep-2024
Mahmoud93Re: The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is01-Sep-2024
webarebearsRe: The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is07-Aug-2024
avntsmbhvWhen n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full27-Jul-2024
Avani._MishraWhen n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full11-May-2024
sahitiyalavarthiWhen n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full14-Mar-2024
salihberaWhen n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full19-Feb-2024
Sababa1561Re: The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is15-Feb-2024
saynchalkRe: The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is11-Feb-2024
paolaperaltaRe: The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is03-Feb-2024
AnkurGMAT20When n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full28-Dec-2023
SMayoneWhen n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full16-Dec-2023
arsh.cWhen n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full11-Dec-2023
chunli94When n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full09-Dec-2023
olegrRe: The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is08-Dec-2023
azvestingRe: The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is10-Nov-2023
rakman123Re: The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is31-Oct-2023
mp0456When n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full26-Oct-2023
BLMRe: The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is28-Sep-2023
FarhadGuliyevWhen n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full29-Aug-2023
NoprobRe: The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is21-Aug-2023
borone96Re: The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is08-Aug-2023
RidhdheshkumarWhen n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full19-Jul-2023
In5inix22When n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already 1/3 full19-Jul-2023

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