Kudos owned by the user

shauryahanda owns 19 Kudos, gave away 107 Kudos.

MSsolanki13Re: Julia is about to draw a marble from a bag that contains red, white, a18-Jan-2025
Oppenheimer1945Re: Flimco Solutions has instituted a bold plan to dramatically reduce its30-Apr-2024
KritikaeeshRe: A more comprehensive definition of "sea level," one useful to05-Oct-2023
AdithyaNamChat post21-Sep-2023
krndattaChat post19-Sep-2023
LanabananaChat post19-Sep-2023
abhinav1491Re: The term Population Attributable Risk has been described as the reduct11-May-2023
a.k01Re: Given the increasing popularity of online brokerage firms, the fact th01-May-2023
siddharthbhatt007Re: A more comprehensive definition of "sea level," one useful to07-Jun-2022
shivam10The term Population Attributable Risk has been described as the reduct05-May-2022
XavierAlexanderRe: A cause of fatal mining accidents was once the peculiar configuration01-Dec-2021
him1105Re: Researchers of prebiotic chemical reactions have been testing the theo10-Jul-2021
p14Re: A more comprehensive definition of "sea level," one useful to22-Apr-2021
kkang98Re: According to a new rule by the income tax department of Xanadu,02-Apr-2021
Aditya PimpleRe: The best evidence that we have is the statistics from the Government15-Mar-2021
Sajjad1994Re: Classified as a Cepheid variable and about 500 to 800 light-years from03-Feb-2021
Sajjad1994Re: A more comprehensive definition of "sea level," one useful to02-Feb-2021
sagarpatelceoRe: Unusually large and intense forest fires swept the tropics in 1997. Th15-Dec-2020

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